I’m linking up today with Kim and Zenaida for their Tuesday Topics!

Their suggestion for this week was to share race bling from the year. But this was a not a banner year for me for race bling, as I only did one marathon (Atlanta) and one 10k; no virtual races for me, and minimal bling!
Sad to say, only one marathon medal was added to this collection by my treadmill this year…

So instead of sharing my minimal race bling, I thought I’d take a tangent and share some fun thoughts on things runners say or do that non-runners do NOT understand!
- “I’m heading out for an easy run.”
Non-runners think ALL runs are hard. What’s an “easy” run?? - Non-runners assume its easy for runners to get out the door.
To build upon #1, non-runners assume its always easy for runners to get out the door, but we struggle sometimes too! I’ve had plenty of mornings where I really didn’t want to get up; the ways I trick myself into getting up are fodder for a whole separate post…Just trust me, runners struggle for motivation too. - Using the word fartlek in a serious conversation.
Runner: “I think I’ll throw in some fartleks in my run.”
Non-runner: “What? Eew.” - Using vacation time and money to do something you could do for free at home!
Non-runners don’t understand why runners want to run on vacation. But running on vacation is THE BEST. I love run-exploring in new places.

- Saying that 40 degrees F is perfect running weather.
To non-runners, 40 degrees is COLD. But it’s only cold if you’re standing still! I love running in temps in the 40s. It’s the best marathon temperature for sure. - Saying “I’m not racing this” when running a race.
I had a non-runner think that meant I decided not to run the race. We often participate in races that we are not ‘racing’, but non-runners don’t understand the difference! - Talking about running for hours on end while running for hours on end, and then getting together with your running friends and continue talking about running some more!
Who’d have thought the topic of the action of propelling yourself forward had so much depth! Runners can talk running indefinitely.

- Being comfortable using the bathroom anywhere and/or not being totally grossed out by porta-potties!
Part of the deal, really. You just get used to it.

- Having shoes specific for running or ones specific for particular types of runs!
I have my Hokas for easy runs, my Ravennas for long runs, my Nike 4% or my Hyperion Tempos for workouts or races…you can’t have just one pair! - Going to the doctor for a running injury, but still running.
I have raised a lot of eyebrows on this one at work; i.e. when I was working through my Achilles issue, I would let my team know that I’d be away for a bit for a PT appointment. One asked me if I tore my Achilles; I explained that no, it was just sore and I was going to PT to fix it, but was still running. This was mind-boggling to her!

- “I have a workout tomorrow.”
Non-Runner: “Isn’t every run a workout? Aren’t you running as your workout? How is there another layer to the workout?” - Thinking that when someone asks about our weekend plans, they are referring to your long run.
Non-runner: What are you doing this weekend?
Runner: 16 miles
Non-runner: ….?
Did I miss any? Please share!
And if you enjoyed this post, be sure to check out an old one “How To Talk to Runners: Advice from a Non-Runner!”
For now, I’m off to do a workout in my long run because it’s perfect running weather out there, a balmy 40 degrees F!
Ha – I particularly like the last one! So true!
Glad you enjoyed Liz!
I liked these, Jessie!
The one with talking about running nonstop – my family and non-running friends must be so tired of me!
Haha, it’s all we talk about some times
Though the conversation has changed a little this year, where we don’t ask “what are you training for” since there just aren’t any races on the horizon!
My fav is just what happened yesterday, when Mr. Judy said to me: you know it’s cold out, right? As I started getting ready to run. Which could also be snowing, raining, windy, hot . . . LOL!
I’ve been running over 10 years, you’d think he’d get it by now.
Of course he still hasn’t seemed to understand that I am running every.single.weekend with few exceptions.
Your medal rack is AMAZING!
Why, thank you Judy! Another creation made by my dad! I thought I’d need another one by Christmas but not a lot of progress this year
“Using vacation time and money to do something you could do for free at home!” My non-running friends never understand this one lol. They don’t get why i would travel somewhere to run.
Ha, exactly! But it’s so fun. I miss it!
My favorite is when the girls at work ask how far I ran and I say ‘only 5’ or something similar. They always laugh! We forget what an accomplishment it is to run at all! Great post!
That’s a good one Wendy! So true.
I think a lot of non-runners assume that we do nothing else, fitness-wise. When I was doing all the biking this fall (as my stress fracture was healing), I had a lot of peeps ask me if I was quitting running because I was biking now. Ummm, no. Next question?
Ha, I guess it’s all or nothing in some people’s minds!
Ha! These are so true. Non-runners just don’t get it!
Runners are crazy, what can we say
Yes! Spot on! One of my coworkers is a serious basketball player and has the most amazing shoe collection. Since we’ve been at home he sends occassional shoe selfies to us and one day he had what looked like a brand new pair of shoes and asked if we could believe they were 6 years old. I texted back a pic of my recently retired running shoes which were all muddy and torn up and said “so this is the difference between basketball and running, can you believe these shoes are only 6 months old?”. We got a good laugh… Read more »
Ha! That’s a great story Becket
Haha, good ones! I may have los of new shoes in boxes but only run in one pair and do not rotate. 40-50 degree is perfect running weather. I want to be able to run in shorts.
I’m all about rotating shoes! Which means there are always a lot of shoes by the front door.
ha and yes 40 degrees is perfect running weather! I am totally okay with peeing behind bushes on a run.
It happens to all runners!
These are fun! I love the last one, because I’m always figuring out how many miles I’ll do on the weekend.
Ha, and that’s what we are so focused on, right? Especially these days when my long run is the only little bit of social with my two friends.