Boston is just 15 days away- 15 days!!
The hay is in the barn, right? The hard work is behind me, it’s taper time.
This post and this post both offer some tips for the taper, one of which is to stay hydrated! I’ve been doing exactly that with the new flavors of NUUN pictured above- Blackberry Citrus and Ginger Lemonade- yum!
Here’s how training went last week for the Boston Marathon 2017 (details below if you want to join Jess and me for our weekly recap link-up!):
Monday: I was very tired from the 8k race on Saturday and a 22 mile run on Sunday, so I ran VERY slowly (for me) in the morning: 8 miles at a 9:46 min/mile pace. I had another 5 miles after work- I was planning to focus on going slowly again, but I ran into my friend Vicki and ran with her, so it ended up being 5 miles at a 9:08 min/mile pace. 13 miles on the day.
Tuesday: I decided to do this workout after work, as I wanted to enjoy the warmth and sunshine. I had 1 mile to warm-up, 8 miles at 7:40, 1 mile to cool down. 10 miles total. My legs were still dragging during the harder miles so it didn’t go perfectly. 10 miles at an 8:12 min/mile average.
Wednesday: Rest day from running. 5:30 am [solidcore] class. My abs were definitely sore after this one! I ran into a really nice blog reader named Jen- nice to meet you!
Thursday: Short hill sprints: 2 mile warm-up, 20x100m sprints, recovery on the downhill, 2 mile-cooldown. 7.1 miles total at 9:48 min/mile (I took the recovery downhills pretty seriously )
Friday: I joined my friend Christie for 8 miles of her long run, 8:58 min/mile pace.
That evening, my sister and husband arrived in town. They will be relocating to Minneapolis this summer (can’t wait!) so they were here to house-hunt. We saw one house on Friday and then grabbed pizza from Punch Pizza– best long run fuel in the Twin Cities!
Saturday: Long run! 4 miles easy, 10 miles at goal marathon pace (somewhere between 8 and 8:15), 2 miles easy. 16 miles total at an 8:25 pace.
We spent the rest of the day house hunting with my sister and her husband (and a quick dog park trip for Matilda of course!)
That evening, I wanted to show them a bit more of their future city, so we stopped by Betty Danger’s Country Club in NE for a cocktail. The weather was so gorgeous- sunny and 60’s!
Then a quick stop at Modist brewery, followed by dinner at Red Rabbit. Red Rabbit was delicious, but oh my goodness, the wait…took forever.
Anyways, still fun. My sister’s daughters get a kick out of this Bernie figurine and all his adventures; he tags along with my sister for fun pictures like this- follow along on Instagram under #randombernie
Sunday: We were up early before another full day of house-hunting; I ran 4 miles with my sister Cresta and Matilda, 10:30 min/mile pace. My shins were sore so I was happy to take it nice and easy. The company was fantastic of course!
Can’t wait until I have family living here in Minneapolis.
Summary: 59 miles and one [solidcore] class. My mileage was down a bit from the 68 last week, but the next two weeks will be the serious tapering.
I’m linking up with Jess for our weekly recaps. Join us- details below!
Awesome job on your prep to Boston Jessie! Now take it (mostly) easy and have fun.
Thank you Lee
I will definitely have fun!
You had another awesome week of training! I can’t believe that Boston is just two weeks away – ahhh so exciting!!
I love the Bernie hashtag, so funny. I’ll check for it on IG
Haha, awesome Kimberly!
I hope you enjoyed your visit to Minneapolis!
15 days! But you are right, the hard work has all been done now. You must be so excited that your sister is moving to town! Mine lives 15 minutes away from me and although we don’t necessarily see each other all the time, it’s just nice to have her so close! Have another great week and keep hydrating!
Thank you, yes, very excited to have a sister nearby! She’ll probably be at least 15 minutes away, but much better than 6 hours away!
Good old Betty Dangers – way to seal the deal!
Haha, totally!
And all the “All are Welcome Here” signs in Minneapolis. She went to medical school in Vermont, but currently lives in Wisconsin; she’s ready to move back to a city hopefully a bit more in line with her Vermont politics
Great job on your training! And how exciting- that your sister and the family will be moving closer to yall. It’s always nice to have someone around…
Yes! I can’t wait to have family nearby. And she loves to run (especially on trails) so we will have lots of fun together.
Hey Jessie, So nice to meet you as well, nothing like a 5:30 solidcore intro where I barely know my name before, during, or after that madness! As always inspired by your running and enjoyed reading about your Mpls outings
Thank you Jen for reading! It is so nice to meet someone who follows along locally. Hope to run into you again- I plan to hit up a lot of solidcore after the marathon!