I actually shared this post a few years ago, but a reader just recently asked me for my destination race packing advice (Hi Rachel- thanks for reading!) and since I’m heading to Phoenix for a marathon in three weeks (and then London six weeks after that), I figured it was a good time to breathe some new life into this post.
Packing for a destination race can be challenging; I am always worried that I’ll forget something vital. Making a list helps gives you peace of mind that you have everything you’ll need.
Here is my destination marathon packing list (though it could work for any distance race). This is my list for the Phoenix marathon, but if you were doing a colder race, you would need to pack much warmer clothes.
In your carry-on bag:
When I was a kid, my mom would always tell me to pack an extra outfit in my carry-on in case I lost my luggage. For a marathon, that extra outfit should be your race outfit! Pack all the running gear you think you will wear on race day in a bag that you are carrying with you. Remember the rule about nothing new on race day? You would hate to lose your luggage and have to buy everything new when you arrive at your destination.
**I have my marathon outfit tentatively planned out already…this tank, these shorts, this hat, maybe these socks, and of course my trusty Brooks Ravennas!
My carry-on will include the following:
_Running shoes
_Running socks
_Sports bra
_Headband/hair ties
_Travel itinerary with confirmations
_Compression socks (I might wear them on the plane)
_Empty water bottle (which I will fill up when I get through security to stay hydrated during travel)
_Healthy snacks
The items that I will pack in my suitcase are ones that I’m not too concerned about if I had to buy them when I get there, as I’m sure they’ll be available at the expo.
Sidetone: This isn’t necessarily true if you are running an international marathon. The same products- GU’s, Gatorade, Nuun, etc. may not be available at the expo, so plan accordingly.
_Warm shirt to wear at the start line/throw-away clothes to wear for the first mile or two.
_Extra socks
_Arm sleeves/warmers
_Throw-away gloves if the start line forecast is chilly
_Flip flops/Sandals for post-race
_Second pair of sneakers (for walking around the expo, etc)
I put all my chargers in a big ziploc bag so they are together.
_Garmin charger (I’ll wear my Garmin during travel. Don’t want to lose that!)
_Laptop plus charger (I need to stay in touch with you guys!)
_Cell phone plus charger
_Camera plus charger
_Anti-chafing of some sort (I suggest GoodSport <– review and discount code coming soon!)
_GU’s or your fuel of choice
_All your standard toiletries (toothpaste, toothbrush, shaving cream, shampoo, facial cleanser, make-up, etc)
_Toilet Paper/Kleenexes
_Extra safety pins
_Extra ziplock bags for your gear check bag
_Advil/Tylenol/Other Medicines
_Reading material (currently reading Pretty Girls and 11/22/63)
_Electric Tape for putting my name on my shirt (and scissors)<– I bought this pink tape (pictured below) to coordinate with my planned outfit! The question is, can I get Dustin to wear his name on his shirt, since we’re running together? Maybe “Jessie’s Pacer?” “I’m pacing my wife?” What do you suggest?
As for the rest of my fashion for the trip, we plan to hike Camelback (post-race of course!) as we didn’t have an opportunity to do so when we were in Phoenix in December. The rest of my suitcase will be filled with mostly casual clothing for relaxing and touring with maybe 1-2 dressier options for celebratory dinners.
I hope you find this list helpful for your next destination race! Let me know if I missed anything important.
Checking a bag? No, no, no, no, no.
Are you referring to a gear check bag or a suitcase in general? You are a much better traveler than me Phil; I can’t go without my checked bag
Giving a suitcase to an airline. Not my idea of happy travelling.
So you were seriously able to go to Tokyo/Japan without a checked bag?? Duly impressed. You need to write a post about how to travel light as a runner
I checked a bag on that trip, since I knew Claire would. I can happily go a week or more with just a carry-on and a back-pack. Just need to be brutal about what you take and be prepared to suck up the cost of hotel laundry or look for a wash/fold place near where you are staying (I don’t go so far as washing my own clothes in the bathroom sink.) My trip to the NYC marathon, and then on to England for a week was done with carry-on only.
Presently packing for a work week in Dublin and then to Paris for the marathon: everything into 1 20″ roll-aboard plus a rucksack. It can be done.
That is amazing.
Another destination race this weekend, another 1 carry-on trip. Get with it, Yessie.
Aw, thanks for the shout-out, Jessie! And the great packing list
Thank you Rachel. Good luck in New Orleans!