I am here with my weekly fitness recaps from the last two weeks. Sorry for the delay. I'm sure you were waiting with bated breath to see how my Tokyo marathon training is going, right? No? Ha! Well, here you go. Week of 12/22 through 12/28 Monday On the treadmill: 2 mile warm up, then 15 min x 10 min x 5 minutes with 5 minutes recovery between each set. 1 mile cool down. For the 15 minutes- Continue Reading
Fits Do Fitness Class Reviews: Ziva Yoga in Singapore
If you have been reading my weekly recaps, you know that most of my fitness here in Singapore has been in the form of running. I did try out one barre class last week. I really want to fit in more classes while I'm here, but I am usually at the office pretty late. So, that means I have to get out to explore the fitness world on the weekends right? I did just that this past Sunday. I googled Continue Reading