A few weekends ago, I attended an event at Mill City Running to mark the beginning of their partnership with lululemon . I believe Mill City is the only local running store that carries lululemon - pretty cool! The launch party included drinks, appetizers, and a free ($78 value) yoga mat for the first 50 people to purchase something lululemon ! I could bring a '+1', so I invited my Continue Reading
Fitness Fashion Friday: Title Nine Bra Fit Fest and a Giveaway!
Boobs. They come in all different shapes and sizes. Running with boobs? It can be challenging....because boobs come in all different shapes and sizes! And truthfully, sports bras haven't always come in different shapes and sizes. And how about running for a LONG time with boobs (like 26.2 miles?) It can cause all kinds of pain and issues- chafing is my biggest issue (underarm and right Continue Reading