Since I’m not personally able to test out any new running gear these days, I thought this was the perfect time to do a series of posts featuring your favorite running gear. A crowd-sourced series of the best running gear from voices other than just mine! I’m reaching out to all the runners that I know to share their most favorite running gear; after I’ve shared all the posts, I hope to do one Continue Reading
Weekly Recap: 9 Weeks Until the Antarctica Marathon
Hello! It's time for my weekly recap of training for the Antarctica Marathon (and life in general.) Here we go: Monday: New Year's Day! Like many of you, I had the day off of work, so I slept in and then headed down to the treadmill to run. 2 mile warm-up, 6x1200m repeats at a 7:25 pace with 1 minute recovery (I walked), 2 mile cool down. 9 miles total at an 8:40 min/mile pace. It was kind Continue Reading
Fitness Fashion Friday: The Saucony Bullet Tight Shorts
Happy Fitness Fashion Friday! Today I am sharing a product that I have been running in for a while now- the Saucony Bullet Tight Shorts! I bought these shorts last summer and loved them so much, I bought a second pair shortly thereafter. You might have noticed that here at the Right Fits, I'm usually more of a "loose" style shorts girl (i.e. like the Patagonia Strider Pro, the Oiselle Roga Continue Reading