On Monday, April 18, I completed my 39th marathon, the 126th Boston Marathon. I qualified to get there with my time at the Indianapolis Marathon. This was my second time running Boston; I first ran it in 2017. Read that recap HERE.
I finished the marathon; I took the famous right on Hereford, left on Boylston. But it was my worst time since…..the Marathon-to-Marathon in Iowa in 2012. 2012…10 years ago.
I am excluding the Antarctica marathon from that statement, since that was a beast of its own nature, and I’m excluding the races where I paced my sister Erin (Twin Cities 2016, Grandma’s 2017, and Brookings South Dakota 2019.) But it has been a long time since I had such a rough marathon. And the truth is, I’m disappointed in myself. My training went fine- I wasn’t injured. I did all the runs. I have no excuse. I don’t know why I did so poorly (poorly for me and my own expectations- it’s all relative and this is my recap of my performance.)
I appreciate that running marathons is a privilege, particularly the Boston marathon. I also recognize that this was my 5th marathon in 10 months: Idaho (3:52), Fargo (3:42), Tulsa (4:04), and Baton Rouge (3:45), and now Boston (4:18.)
Yet my truth is that I am disappointed in myself. I did not have a positive experience. I didn’t achieve my goal of having a good time and “taking it all in.” Instead, I had a pretty miserable time.
So, if you don’t want to read a negative recap, skip this one. There are a million blog posts out there, particularly after this year’s marathon, about how absolutely magical and incredible it is to run the Boston marathon.
Unfortunately this is not that post.
It is difficult to separate my personal experience at the race from the actual marathon. Honestly, some of the hassles I mention are just part of doing a huge marathon, the challenges are similar to the other 5 World Majors. Overall it is as organized as it can be for 30k runners. The crowds are amazing, there is plenty of support, and it is an experience that I am grateful to have experienced (again.) Unfortunately I walked away from this race a second time without the warm fuzzies I had really hoped for with no one to blame but myself.
You can read about my time in Boston leading up to race day HERE, including my experience at the expo. I’ll start this post with my pre-race dinner and go from there.
Night before the race: My friend Sarah’s parents live in Boston (her mom is the incredibly smart & successful provost at Boston University!) She invited us to have homemade pasta with her and her family on Sunday night. Their beautiful home was a short trip on the T from our hotel in Copley Plaza. The pasta was perfectly delicious and easy to digest. We also ate early enough (5:30) that I was in bed plenty early, staying plenty hydrated, etc. I did the right things the day before the race.
*Note that Sarah had an incredible race- congrats Sarah!
What I wore:
I wore a Lululemon sculpt tank, my favorite Tracksmith Lane Five shorts (lots of space for gels in all the pockets!), a Oiselle Flyout Bra with a pocket for my phone in the back, a pair of men’s Saucony Endorphin Pros , and a pair of Oiselle sunnies. I don’t usually run a marathon with my phone, but put it in the sports bra on airplane mode so I could connect with Dustin at the end.
I put my name on my shirt with plastic tape, but it fell off immediately- failed fit.
I fueled with Maurten gels, which were the same kind they gave out at the race.
Morning of the race: My alarm went off at 6:15 am. I ate a plain bagel with peanut butter, a banana, a cup of coffee, and a glass of Nuun.
I packed an extra gel, another 1/2 bagel with peanut butter + banana, and a Honey stinger waffle to eat at the start, as my wave, Wave 3, wouldn’t start until 10:50 am. Fueling for such a late start is a challenging part of Boston.
Runners had to check any gear for post-race at the buses; only a small plastic bag (provided at the expo) could come with you on the bus to the start. Any clothes you wanted to wear to stay warm would have to be left at the start and donated.
Here is what I packed into my “Start Area” bag (plus water and a bottle of Gen-U-Can mix):
The Boston organization was very good about making it obvious where to drop your donated clothes at Athlete’s Village. They also had volunteers sorting the trash between recyclable, compostable, etc. Very organized.
Getting to the start line: Getting to the start line in Hopkinton from the finish line area is a process. Dustin walked with me to the park where you caught the buses from our hotel to keep me company; the buses for my wave started boarding at 8:15. We were at the park by 7:45 am, but we waited just to cross the intersection to get into the lines for 30 minutes. I finally said goodbye to Dustin, went through security, and got into the line to get onto a school bus.
I felt lucky to have a seat in the way back of a bus to myself. I like to preserve my energy pre-marathon as an introvert.
Athlete’s Village:
My bus arrived at Athlete’s Village around 9:15. After exiting the bus, it was another line to enter into the village.
I had to pee so badly at that point, so I was totally focused on getting into a line for a porta potty. By the time I was at Athlete’s Village, the elites and Wave 1 had already started their races. Wave 2 was about to start. I made my way through the village to the Hopkinton sign. I never even had time to read the magazine I had brought to the start; it was only 15 minutes or so before they called Wave 3 to move to the start.
The actual start line is a 1.1 mile walk from Athlete’s Village. There were a ton of runners who ran this 1.1 mile walk but I was in no hurry since I knew my corral wouldn’t start for a bit. There is another whole section of porta-potties at the start, so I stopped there again before walking to the start line.
As my wave approached the starting line, we were split into corrals. I was corral 4 of 6 in wave 3.
Eventually, we shuffled to the start line and as we crossed it, I pressed the start button on my Garmin and it was frozen- it just didn’t start. So then I was fussing with it, trying to power down and restart. I probably missed 1/2 mile before I finally got it to work.
After the race, my Garmin data didn’t show any map or show location data like “Boston Running” when it loaded. I knew that I had changed it to manual lap at the start so that I wouldn’t get mile splits. But I must have somehow also changed it to treadmill mode, which was not my plan, I did still want the mile splits afterwards, just not during! But since it was in treadmill mode, it seems to have sort of estimated my pace and averaged them…my splits aren’t right.
Failed Fit:
By mile 1, my name had fallen off my shirt completely. I will never use plastic tape again. It doesn’t stay on when wet or windy. I think I would have had a lot more fun at Boston with my name on my shirt, but losing it so early was hard for me and messed with my head. The crowds were amazing at Boston, but it would have helped to hear someone cheer for me by name, that’s something that works for me personally. (Next time, I will use iron-on letters or sew them on!)
Throughout the whole race, I had no idea what pace I was running. There were no pace groups and I didn’t talk to anyone around me, so it was truly a blind effort.
Mile 1: 11:22- I don’t think this is right. In fact, I know it’s not right, as there is no way I was going this slowly to start, especially on the downhill. I think it had to do with not having my Garmin on right away and then when I finally got it to work, it was on treadmill mode. Also, these splits don’t align with what the Boston tracker app said; they had me at 8:50 and then 9’s for the first 10k. I generally love my Garmin Fenix, but it definitely caused some extra stress this day.

Even though the splits are not right, I’ll share them for purposes of this recap.
Mile 2: 9:39, Mile 3: 9:34. Mile 4: 9:45, Mile 5: 9:24, Mile 6: 9:24, Mile 7: 9:34, Mile 8: 9:29, Mile 9: 9:20, Mile 10: 9:25, Mile 11: 9:28, Mile 12: 9:17
Mile 13: 9:27. Wellesley College. “The Wellesley Scream Tunnel.” This was a fun part of the route, though I remembered it to be much louder and crazier in 2017 than it was this year. There were still a TON of people with signs cheering here though. Maybe less kissing than in previous years, probably due to Covid!
My favorite sign was one that said, “Wait! I’ve been trying to contact you about your extended car warranty.” Ha! There were lots and lots of other great signs. The spectators were amazing.
Mile 14: 9:34, Mile 15: 9:28, Mile 16: 9:45, Mile 17: 9:55
At mile 17, I pulled my phone out of my Flyout sports bra, turned it off of airplane mode, texted Dustin and said, “I’m walking already, but I’m okay,” turned it back off, and put it away.
I wanted him to know that it was going to be a rough race but I was alive; he should go back to the hotel for awhile before coming back to the finish to cheer for me because if I was already walking at mile 17, it was going to be a long day. But by actually texting him and admitting how badly things were going, I felt even worse. Suddenly, I was admitting “out loud” (via text) that things were not going well. Now it was real and I was in a terrible mental place.
I didn’t walk all of the remaining 9 miles, but I walked a lot of it, particularly the Newton hills.
Mile 18: 10:39 My sister Cresta’s college friend lives in Newton and kindly came out to cheer with a sign for me. It was so nice of her to come out and it did give me a boost. Thank you!
Mile 19: 9:38, Mile 20: 9:50, Mile 21: 10:23, Mile 22: 9:37, Mile 23: 9:42, Mile 24: 9:31, Mile 25: 10:00, Mile 26: 10:04, Final 0.2: 9:17
Finish time: 4:18, average pace: 9:40, bottom 1/4 of all finishers…

But I finished. Thank goodness. I didn’t give up even though I really wanted to quit.
I swear, these bad races are so much harder than ones like Fargo, where I felt incredible the whole way.
I cannot complain about the weather, as it was only 55 degrees. It was probably the best Boston weather that’s occured in many years.
But it felt hot to me. My neck, shoulders, and even the back of legs are sunburned (and I did wear sunblock.) The sun was bright and this Minnesotan was not prepared for any sun. Yet it was definitely not the weather that led to my poor performance.
I took every orange and every popsicle that was offered to me. The crowds were amazing, they offered up so much stuff. (In retrospect, I can’t believe I took orange slices out of strangers’ bare hands when I am such a germ-a-phobe!)
I thought I was drinking enough at every aid station, but I felt so thirsty and was coated in salt by the end, so maybe I wasn’t. I was also very crampy, so clearly not enough electrolytes for me. My ankles and feet were particularly crampy and then I got very cold at the end (similar to Baton Rouge.) I think my men’s Endorphin pros were too big for me; I have huge blisters on my feet now. All these rookie mistakes for a girl who had done this 38 times prior- seriously!
Dustin was right there cheering on Boylston right before the finish line, and he actually found me pretty quickly at the end. I am so thankful for such a supportive husband, even when dealing with a crabby runner like me. He’s very patient and I love him.
And it was so great to turn on my phone again at the finish and have texts from friends and family who were worried about me. Thank you all for caring. I really appreciate it! (Thank you Julie! And thank you especially my sister Erin, she’s the best.)
When I crossed the finish line, I passed by Shalane Flanagan and Adrianne Haslet; Adrianne’s dog was allowed in the finish area and I snapped this photo of him greeting her. So cute.
Some runners took pictures with Shalane, but the volunteers quickly turned runners away to give them space. Shortly after seeing Shalane, I passed by Meb, who was also getting bombarded with people trying to take selfies, but the volunteers gave him his space quickly as well.
What happened?
I don’t know. Overtraining, maybe… I made an appointment to get my iron, vitamin D, and thyroid levels checked. The week before the race, I was abnormally tired, but thought it was just the taper.
Actually, I also thought it might be Covid and took three at-home tests and a PCR before leaving for Boston and then took two rapid tests while we were there to be sure. (Yes. Clearly paranoid. All negative.)
Too much strength-training? I didn’t have a focused plan for strength and did it almost every day. That may not have served me well.
Or was it just too many marathons in too short of time? This is most likely the answer.
I have done 5 marathons in a year before, once. In 2016, I ran Phoenix, London, Grandma’s, Big Cottonwood Canyon, and Twin Cities. But one of those marathons was with my sister Erin at her pace. Plus, I was 6 years younger then. Apparently at 40, 5 marathons is too many.
Outside of my personal performance, there are some other negative aspects of this race:
- The hype. There’s a lot of pressure and social media attention surrounding this race, not around the elites, which there should be for the elites, but rather around the regular Joe’s & Jane’s, and it can be a lot.
- I spent too much time on social media leading up to this race and was very much in my head. I think I felt like I didn’t belong there.
- The weather; I know it was essentially perfect this year on race day (except for that nasty sunburn), but training through a Minnesota winter is still a “negative” of running Boston.
- The cost; it’s an expensive weekend and you probably will need to use at least two days of vacation (Mon/Tuesday.)
- The timing: a Monday race in itself is hard, but starting at 11 am is even harder.
The positives:
I will end with the positives!
- The DPM (dogs per mile) was incredibly high; you may have read about Spencer, the official race dog. I saw him in Hopkinton within the first few miles of the race, but there was a long line to get a selfie with him, so I skipped that. But there were so many cute dogs along the route that gave me joy.
- The city pride- of the 6 world majors, Boston is unique in that the WHOLE city is excited about it and proud of the event. Some of that feeling probably does stem from the bombings of 2013 and the “Boston Strong” that came from that, but it’s pretty incredible just how supportive the entire city is of the marathon. In another city, you could go out to dinner after the race, and people may not have even realized there was a marathon that day. Not in Boston. Everyone congratulates you afterwards. Everyone is happy to have you there. It’s pretty cool.
- I really enjoy visiting the city of Boston; great food, great architecture and history, great people- it’s just a really beautiful city where I could see myself living. My husband went to high school (Tabor Academy) and college (Tufts University) in Boston. He has an affinity for that city that is contagious to me.
- The elites- I’m a super-fan and enjoyed seeing running celebrities in real life.
- The history. 126 years is incredible. And this was a special year, as it was the 50th year that women were allowed to participate. That is very cool. I am happy to have those inspiring women ahead of me, giving me this opportunity (which is on me for not executing upon the opportunity they worked to give women!)
- The crowds are incredible. My own fault for not having my name on my shirt…so many drunk college kids. Very entertaining!
In the post-marathon shower, I discovered some painful chafing under my right armpit; it’s also my right side took most of the brunt of the sunburn, so maybe the two are related.
I didn’t feel amazing when we got back to the Fairmont, either physically or mentally (I’ll admit I had a pity party and cried at the finish when I saw Dustin.)
But I pulled myself together and we walked to Saltie Girl for a lobster roll (which was very good.)
Then we stopped by Lamplighter Brewery for a celebratory pint (great brewery!) but one beer was actually all I could stomach. But the beer was free! The bartender was so nice and congratulatory to all runners. The city of Boston is so nice.
I needed to go back to the hotel to lie down. But when we got back to the hotel though, we realized that the hotel bar was where everyone (including some of my runner celebrities!) was celebrating, so we decided to stop by there for a little bit for some people watching/celebrity stalking. We were right by Joan Benoit Samuelson again! I swear, if you are running Boston, stay at the Fairmont Copley Plaza. That hotel was definitely a big “positive” of the weekend!
Tuesday morning, we had breakfast at the nearby Friendly Toast, said goodbye to Cori the Fairmont dog.
Then off to the airport to fly back to Minneapolis, just in time for the mask mandate to be lifted Perfect timing for a plane full of people who just taxed their bodies and immune systems to the max…
Closing remarks: Everyone has bad races. It’s just running. I am able to run and it’s a privilege. Four years ago when I was on crutches with a broken leg, I would have given anything to be running marathons again, so I need to quit being so down. I am lucky. I know this. But my disappointment in myself is still there, and I need some time to sit with it.
I’ll probably read this recap in a few months and feel so embarrassed of my negative attitude. Then maybe in a few more years, I’ll have the desire to run Boston again.
Redemption. Someday.
I know that I ask a lot out of this body, so for now, I’m giving it some much needed rest and recovery, mentally and physically for the next few months. No more marathons until the fall, and I don’t even know which one that will be.
Mentally, this recovery will also include a break from social media. For me this means Strava, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and Twitter. Just letting you all know so you don’t think I’m ignoring you! This was a pre-planned break, though I’m sure the timing with my bad Boston is suspect, ha! But I want to see if I can break the addiction to scrolling when I have downtime. TBD on how long I last! Please email or text me, I still want to stay connected!
That’s a wrap on marathon 39. Thanks for reading and following my journey, through the good and the bad, in marathoning and in life!
I’m sharing this review as part of the link-up with Running on the Fly and Confessions of a Mother Runner as part of their Weekly Rundown. Check it out!
Sorry to hear you didn’t have the race you wanted! I have been in those shoes at Boston, and somehow it felt worse because it’s Boston. The April date is tough for Minnesotans–esp. those of us who don’t do well with warmer conditions. Still: congratulations on #39, and on all it took to get to the finish (and starting) line on this one! Hope you are resting well!
Thank you Betsy for reading and for your support. It does sting a little worse to have this kind of performance at this race. Ego is definitely taken down a few notches right now.
Oh lovie, so sorry you didn’t have the race you wanted to have. It’s so hard when it’s such an iconic one, too. And that sunburn – worse than mine in my first mara. You have done a lot in these few months and I expect strength training every day might have sapped you, too. You’re still a hero of mine, though! And hooray for those patient husbands – I’m a nightmare when it’s gone right, even: “Give me a banana milk!” “Take a photo of this random Alaskan!”
Aw, thanks Liz! I appreciate the kind words. And thank goodness for patient partners
I’m so sorry to hear you are disappointed in your race. It’s easy to be on the outside and say this, but truly, the fact that you didn’t give up and still finished is something to be proud of. I’m sure down the road (no pun intended) you’ll be able to see how strong you were for NOT quitting, regardless of your time. Be bummed about it for however long it takes and know that most likely next time you will crush it like you usually do! We all have terrible races; it’s part of the game! It will make… Read more »
Sara, this means so much! I really appreciate the support. I know you’re right, we all have bad races. But it still stings!
Oh Jessie, I’m so sorry for your tough day in Boston. It’s such an iconic race (says the gal who will probably never qualify, LOL), but I can understand the disappointment in not having things go as planned. I’ve had races where my training was on-point, the weather was ideal, and I did everything in my power to ensure a great race…only to have numerous unforeseen challenges plague me on the course. Fortunately, after some time had passed, I was able to be at peace with crossing another finish line. I hope you’re able to get some rest, physically and… Read more »
Thank you Kim, your kind words really mean a lot and it sounds like you get it. Running can break your heart sometimes!
I was tracking you.
Bad races are so hard to accept. Especially important ones.
I do what you do. Think back to my ankle surgery when I thought I may never run again.
Doesn’t help. You want a do over right?
So many good things happened. How many runners will never BQ. Like me. And what a great husband!!!
I guess you will run another. It will be faster I predict. Or maybe not. It’s so unpredictable. We train well and we duck. Then we don’t train well and surprise a great race.
Good luck. Enjoyed following your journey.
Hi Darlene- your directness is spot on! I SHOULD remember that broken-leg-Jessie would be so so happy to run a marathon at all but it doesn’t really help. I want a do over!
And you’re right, this might have been a fluke and it might not have been, this might be how I do marathons going forward. It’s so hard to know.
Thank you for tracking me and checking in on the blog.
I’m proud of you even if you are disappointed — you didn’t give up — you finished — but I appreciate your honesty in not trying to sugar coat your feelings. I hope your medical tests results come back fine — make sure you tell your dr about all those marathons, since they could impact certain results too.
That sunburn — ouch!
Thank you Coco. You’re right, I didn’t give up even though it was really hard not to…I will be sure to mention my high mileage to the doctor!
I’m sorry you had this experience! Everyone has their off days- I think it’s especially hard when it happens at a race like Boston where you’re expected to have an amazing time. I’ve definitely read other race recaps where people had disappointing days- it’s not always a magical experience for everyone.
That sunburn looks painful! And chafing… and blisters… oof. I hope you’ve had a chance to relax this week and are feeling better (mentally and physically.) Thanks for this recap- although I feel bad for you, I still liked reading it.
Send those other recaps my way so I can commiserate! I’m glad this post was still readable even though it was a debbie-downer.
Thank you for this post, Jessie! We ALL have bad races. I’ve had quite a few and it sucks. It makes you question your identity as a runner.
Take a break and enjoy the summer. You will see, you will come back even stronger. And that redemption race is going to happen!!
Btw, this post is very helpful for me on a practical level. I am planning to run Boston in 2023 or 2024, depending on whether the Berlin Marathon in September isn’t too late to qualify. Now I know all about the logistics!
You bet, Catrina! The logistics are tricky, so I’m glad this could help!
And yes…tough races make me question my identify and question all those early mornings and tough winter runs…for what? A time that I could have done without training so intensely.
Oh Jessie I’m so sorry the race didn’t go as you had hoped. So proud of you for pushing through and getting it done. Sending you lots of hugs.
Thank you Michelle. I’m glad I didn’t just DNF.
I am sorry that your race did not go as you had hoped. I hope with time you are able to find more positives from your day. Nice job of pulling it together and finishing with a smile on your face. To us average runners out there, you are still looking pretty amazing
Thank you for Deborah for your perspective. Racing and goals are so personal and I know its still a marathon finish, but its not one that I’m proud of right now. I hope things change with time and I look back at this more positively in the future…
I can totally relate to your experience, and thanks for sharing! It’s hard to feel like you’re the only one that didn’t have a dream experience at Boston, but you’re definitely not alone. The hype is real, and I struggled with that most, I think. I tried to limit social media beforehand, but it still felt like everyone was posting about it. I hope you get some rest and that your break does you good. Hugs from Indiana.
Thank you Sarah! I really appreciate your perspective. The hype is a bit overwhelming. Good idea limiting social media. I’m enjoying the break so far
Sorry it was a tough race. You earned your way there and have shown great resilience after 5 marathons in a year. Hope you have a solid recharge and recovery and am eager to hear what you race next!
Thank you Eric for your continued support.
I’m so sorry you did not have the race you trained for Jessie! I know you don’t want to be negative or disappointed but your emotions are totally valid. Who knows why things work out the way they do? And you’re totally right: Time will smooth over the disappointment. The locals were totally treating the Boston runners like rockstars back in 2019 and 10 too! That’s just how they roll and it’s wonderful! Gotta love a high DPM ratio too. I went to a fabric store and got the iron on letters only to have them all fall off before… Read more »
Thank you Marcia. My feelings are real- I’m disappointed in myself and its hard to gloss over that.
The city of Boston is so supportive! That was a great part of this race.
OMG- I just ordered iron-on letters for my next one, but now I need to pivot and order some DUCT TAPE! Great tip!
You are right on so many counts — we all have bad races. Sometimes we know exactly why, sometimes we never do. There’s no need to apologize for being negative, this was YOUR experience and you are allowed to feel all the FEELS, as they say. 5 marathons in a year is a lot. I read someone recently — older than you — who said they run a marathon weekly? I don’t think it was a race. And yes as you get older, you really do need more recovery time. I also think that it’s always good to go back… Read more »
Thank you so much, this means a lot! The virtual hugs and the kind words
I’m definitely enjoying some low-key 3-4 miles as I feel like it.
A marathon WEEKLY! holy moly.
It stinks that you had a bad day. Like you, I always remind myself that it is just running, I’m lucky to have the opportunity to race, and many people have to deal with much bigger things. But you are definitely still permitted to feel disappointed. I’m sure you will bounce back and have many more good runs and races. And you don’t need to worry about it being too hot in MN right now.
You are so right Ben. I’m fortunate that a bad race is the ‘worst’ I’m dealing with, which is nothing in the whole scheme of things!
And agree, no warm weather coming yet for Minnesota
Aww, Jessie, I’m so sorry that this happened to you. I’ve had races where I felt off like you described and once it started, I could’ve get out from under it. I think it’s something physiologic—and could never pinpoint it to anything specific. It’s an awful feeling and even when I’d remind myself of all the things: you get to do this, finishing is winning, etc, I still was upset and needed time to process it. Give yourself grace and time to rest. Congrats on finishing another marathon!
Marathons are so physiologic- I just wasn’t in the right mindset. I think physically I was in better shape, but mentally I was not.
Thanks for your support!
Oh wow, that sunburn!! I understand all of your feelings on this one. A recent race recap of mine said my race was a sh*t show and my results felt like I hadn’t even trained for the race! That feeling sucks
Sorry it went down like that for you. I texted my daughter at mile 13 that I was walking and it would be a long day. We tend to get more concerned and feeling guilty about our spectators when the race isn’t going well, or at least I do! I’m sure you’ll get past this and find your… Read more »
I haven’t read your Glass City recap yet, I need to! You had a much much hotter day and stuck with it, congratulations on true grit Lisa!
I’m very much enjoying some R&R! A massage, a facial, sleeping in
It’s grand.
I’m sorry you had such a frustrating and challenging race. And like you said, could have been one or many things. I’m sure on a good day, the Garmin would have been a non issue, The hotel has a dog? So awesome.
Hang in there my friend. You’ve done so much to be proud of. BUt I understand the frustration
Hugs. I’m so sorry this wasn’t the race you wanted or hoped for. That is so hard to reconcile. It’s so hard when you get somewhere with so much hype and expectation and it all falls flat. Sending big hugs.
I’m so sorry you had such a rough day, but you stuck with it and finished. For me, the hardest part about running Boston was the later start and lack of bathrooms on the buses going to the start. Both made it hard to fuel and hydrate properly, and I felt it during the race. On the positive side, congrats on completing marathon number 39!
I know firsthand how disappointing it is when you feel like you don’t have the race that you trained for. It’s super frustrating and so easy to keep thinking about the “What Ifs”. I know it’s easier said than done, but I hope that you are feeling a little better about everything now that some weeks have passed since the race. I’m always in awe of your dedication to your training and ability to get in your workouts despite your buy schedule. I do hope that you’re proud of yourself for another race finish!
[…] there was my blow-up at the Boston marathon, then my mom’s passing, and now this […]
[…] you’ve been away for awhile, much has happened. I ran the Boston Marathon in April, took a little break from blogging, went through the devastating loss of my mom, and then […]
[…] Despite all the prep, I still did my best to fit in training for the Amsterdam marathon, hitting my highest mileage week since pre-Boston marathon. […]
[…] on to the Idaho marathon, Fargo marathon, Route 66/Tulsa marathon, Baton Rouge marathon, and then Boston. She was also a great support through my mother’s passing and our move to London. I have […]