What a heavy week, wasn’t it? My heart breaks for the people of Ukraine. I can’t imagine what they are going through. I know we all are seeing the news and no one really needs my take on it, so I’ll just say that I am hoping for peace.
Moving on to the regular light-heartedness of fitness, which I recognize that I am very fortunate to have.
It was another cold and icy week in Minneapolis, which meant lots of time on the treadmill. As I mentioned in last week’s post, it was the 4-year anniversary of my broken tibia/fibula and I’m not taking any chances running on the ice to have that happen again! No thank you.
I’m grateful to have a treadmill setup in the basement that I enjoy, but I’m more than ready for spring.
Monday: I had the day off of work for Presidents’ Day, so my friend Vicki and I met in the daylight for a run; 8 miles, 9:25 min/mile average. It was windy and cold, but the forecasted blizzard hadn’t started yet, so we had relatively clear trails (some icy spots, but you could see them.)
I followed the run with 10 min of core + 20 min of barre on the Peloton app.
Tuesday: Well, the snowstorm hit Minneapolis with lots of icy snow, so to the treadmill I went. I had a workout with some short speed: 20 minutes easy, 15x(90 seconds on, 90 seconds off), easy to cool-down, 8.6 miles, 9:25 min/mile average. 10 minutes of core and 10 minute of upper body after.
Wednesday: 8 easy miles, 9:15 min/mile average on the treadmill. I’m embarrassed to admit I’m sucked into Love is Blind season 2! I’ve never watched shows like the Bachelor, but for some reason, this one has me. It kind of makes me look forward to the treadmill, ha!
After work, I did 45 minutes of lower body work (some barre, some weights) + 10 min of upper + 10 min of core on the Peloton app.
Thursday: A long day at work- or maybe it just felt longer because I didn’t run in the morning and had a long workout looming over my head! 3 miles easy, 3×1.5 mile at 7:45, cool down to 10 miles. 10 min of core after. Can’t skip that, no matter what!
Friday: Rest from running. I walked the dogs of course, and did 30 min of upper body + 20 min of core after work.
Saturday: Long run day! I did 4 miles solo, came back home to fuel and pick up Dustin for 7 together, then we came back again to pick up Ruth (and fuel) for 4 more, then 3 solo for 18 miles total, 9:10 min/mile average. It was above zero (YAY!) though the “feels like” was still below, but the sun was shining and it warmed up as we went (rather than got colder like my 17 miler two weeks ago!)
Ruth may have only ran 4 miles with us, but she was zonked out after! I was happy to join her for a nap after 18 miles.
Saturday night, we went to dinner at Petite Leon, which meant wearing real clothes. I’m really trying to embrace the mom jeans (plus middle-part and clogs) that all the young kids are wearing, but man, mom jeans really aren’t flattering on this 40-year-old. Ha!
Sunday: 8 miles with Ruth & Dustin, 8:35 min/mile average, 20 degrees. The sun was shining and it felt amazing. Great run.
Summary: 60 miles! That’s the first time I hit that number in this training cycle and during a challenging week here in Minneapolis too. Daily 10 min of core + other strength on the Peloton app.
One last thing before I close this post- it seems like races are coming back in full swing. Just a reminder that I am a certified running coach and would love to help you achieve your goals! I currently have some space and would love to connect with you to see if I am ‘the right fit’ for you!
And that’s a wrap on life and training for the Boston Marathon!
I’m linking up as always with Running on the Fly and Confessions of a Mother Runner as part of their Weekly Rundown. Check it out!
I’m really impressed with all the strength work you do, while running 60 miles a week. Random question- do you enjoy the strength, or is it kind of like “ugh, have to get this done so I keep myself healthy enough to run”? I’m just curious.
i think you’re rocking the mom jeans as well as anyone! I’m not a fan of the style (but maybe that’s because I couldn’t even think about wearing them.) And wait- you’re 40? Maybe I knew that at one point, but I’d have you pegged at much younger. Wear those mom jeans!
Hi Jenny! I actually do like strength training! I am a big proponent of it, for overall health, injury prevention, and more. It’s a different kind of enjoyment vs. running, but before I was a distance runner, I always like lifting and strength training. Yep, I’m 40! I turned 40 in October. I appreciate the compliment. Maybe you thought i was younger because we don’t have kids. We end up hanging out with some people who are younger because they also don’t have kids. I have nothing against kids, it just wasn’t in the cards for us and we’re comfortable… Read more »
A tired puppy is a good puppy! We made popcorn this afternoon & Bandit didn’t beg for it. Very odd. The walk today was short since it was cold, windy, and I’d already run. Weird (he’s ok, but it’s rare he doesn’t beg with laser like focus for popcorn).
You look super cute in that outfit! Just sayin’!
Congrats at conquering mother nature this week.
So true! Ruth needs her exercise or she’s very naughty
I hope Bandit gets back to his popcorn loving ways! Must have just been an off day!
Thank you for commenting!
He begged for some of the banana I ate later. He’s just a very weird dog.
Ha! They sure do have their quirks.
WOW that’s some impressive mileage for February–with the dicey conditions, I know you did a lot on the TM. Training for a marathon in the winter is definitely difficult. And Ruth thinks 4 miles was tough, lol
I think you look cute in the mom jeans. I’ve already lived through the mom jean era and nope, not going back. As if I need anything else that makes me look old, lol. Have a great week!
She did 8 miles today and was still plenty bouncy afterwards- I think the colder temps tired her out more yesterday.
I am surprised what 80s/90s styles the young kids have embraced- mom jeans are a hard one for me to try, but I bought a pair and felt like I needed to wear them
Congrats on a 60 mile week! Your description of how your 18-miler came together reminds me of the tenacity and commitment necessary to do Boston training in cold climates. The mom jeans are cute on you in a retro sort of way!
You are so right! Boston training in the midwest…not easy at all! Last time I did Boston, I was “rewarded” with a crazy hot race day and I was not acclimated! Hoping for something a little cooler this year
That is some impressive mileage for a challenging weather week! Way to make it all work.
The mom jeans are not flattering at all on me either so nope. While I hate the bachelor, I am also sucked into love is blind right now. However, I would kill my kids if they did it!
Thanks Deborah! Yeah, I wouldn’t want to be on the show, but it really was good treadmill entertainment!
Great job on your workouts last week and you deserve an award for that kind of mileage under such cold and snowy conditions.
thank you Debbie!
Everyone is talking about Love is Blind. We watched the first season (two years ago, I think?) and it was kind of ridiculous, LOL. I’ve heard this season is better….maybe I ought to give it a try? Mom jeans…a big no for me. It took me forever to give up the high-waisted ones (many,many years ago) and there’s no way I could go back…not flattering on my tall body, at all
Anyways, congrats on a solid week of miles!
Ha! I wouldn’t say the second season is any less ridiculous than the first.
I’m 5’8″. Maybe that’s why they aren’t working for me
They just make my butt look…not good:)
What a great week! LOL on the Mom jeans. Honestly, you look good though.
I always find that “short” weeks feel longer. Same as weeks when I travel — maybe it’s just the change in schedule.
Totally agree. It was a long week even with Monday off!
So impressive with all those training miles. Even in those temps.
Boston will be here before you know it. You will rock it.
I’m rushing things because I’m sick if looking at snow and wearing all those layers.
Dressing for runs in the summer is so much simpler!
Well done on the big miles this week! I struggle with the mom jeans too. I threw mine way 15 years ago for a reason. haha! I’m definitely not an early adopter of fashion, so after people wear mom jeans forever, and they are almost out of style, I’ll probably like them again. My daughter gave me a pair of her jeggings (which must be out of style) and I absolutely love them. She steals a lot of my “vintage” clothes.
that’s so cute that your daughter steals your “vintage’ looks
I love it!
The mom jeans I bought are a bit too extreme for me. I like high-waisted, but not the cut of these, but I felt like I had to give them a few chances!
Ugh – it was such a heavy week
I didn’t watch any news yesterday because I just needed a break from the sadness. Thank goodness we have fitness to act as a mini escape!
Super impressive mileage, and I actually like those “mom” jeans – super cute!
Yes, fitness is a nice little escape for the sad news…
Way to get that 18-miler done! You are doing an awesome job with your training!
Thank you Michelle!
60 miles, well done! I’ve dragged myself back up to doing 8 or 9 for my long run regularly now, I’m pleased with that but know it’s mainly paranoia that I will get into London (2 weeks till I know). It’s nice to be able to run a bit further again, though.
Fingers crossed for you Liz!
Ruth!!!! She’s so sweet!
Can I just tell you that I love mom and high-waisted jeans so much! They are so comfy and look fairly great on everyone. You look amazing.
Training is going great for you! So glad to hear it!
I like high-waisted, bu this pair of mom jeans from Madewell didn’t feel that flattering on me, ha! But I don’t think skinny jeans were either…maybe I just need to stay away from jeans in general, ha!
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