Last Sunday, November 21, 2021, I completed my 37th full marathon and 26th state on my 50-state marathon quest, which was the Route 66 Marathon in Tulsa, Oklahoma!
For a full list of marathons that I have run, check out this page.
We arrived in Tulsa late afternoon and checked into our hotel, the Hyatt Regency in Tulsa, and then took scooters over to the expo.

In order to eliminate any challenges with masks mandates and whatnot, the organization decided to just have the expo outside! Worked for us.

That evening, we took an Uber to Prairie Fire Pie, which was delicious.

When my sister Erin was originally planning to run Tulsa, we decided to do the “double” which was the 5k on Saturday and the full marathon on Sunday. Unfortunately, Erin had to bail on the trip for personal reasons, so I was on my own for the 5k.
I figured I would use it as my shake-out run, but honestly it was hard to go super easy. I ended up running a bit of a progressive, ha!
Splits: 8:02, 7:44, 7:19 = 24:30. It was kind of fun to do a short race as my shakeout! Dustin hadn’t registered for the 5k (only the full the next day) so he just jogged around the race course a bit and snapped a few pics as he did his shakeout.
First official race as a masters runner, ha!

Saturday afternoon, we went to the Woody Guthrie Center for a little music history.

We visited some of the historical marks from the Tulsa Race Massacre; I had watched the History Channel documentary “Tulsa Burning” recently to learn more about this terrible event.

We also stopped by the “Center of the Universe.” I thought the Center of the Universe was a marker of the center of the country, smack-dab in the middle of Oklahoma. But I was totally wrong!
“The “Center of the Universe” is a little-known mysterious acoustic phenomenon. If you stand in the middle of the circle and make a noise, the sound is echoed back several times louder than it was made. It’s your own private amplified echo chamber.”
Very strange. You have to try it to understand!

The Right Fit:
Oiselle flyout tank, Tracksmith Lane Five shorts, Sweaty Betty stamina bra, Balega socks, Louva arm sleeves (that I didn’t wear, too warm), Goodr sunglasses, and Saucony Endorphin Pros.

Goal & Fueling:
With Fargo (my last marathon) just 8 weeks prior and my next marathon (Charleston) in another 8 weeks, the plan for this marathon- knowing it would be hilly and windy- was just to run easy and check Oklahoma off the 50-state list. My coach wanted me to practice fueling more frequently, so I ended up taking 1 Maurten gel before & 3 Maurten gels and 2 GU brand gels during the race for 6 total. That’s a lot for me! But my stomach felt fine. I also didn’t have to stop to go to the bathroom, which is a win for me.
My coach guided me to nothing faster than 9 min/miles for the first half with the hopes that I would actually negative split, which, spoiler alert, I STILL did not do. I swear, I don’t think I will ever negative split a marathon! No matter the pace, I always slow down in the final 10k….It didn’t help that in the final miles of this race I did the “Center of the Universe” detour and had a beer at mile 25.5. Ha!
Anyways, the Route 66 marathon is very walker friendly, with a cutoff time of eight hours. That meant even with my estimated finish time of 4 hours, Dustin and I were both in Coral A.
The marathon started at 8 am; our hotel was a few short blocks to the start line, so we headed over there around 7:20, used the bathrooms one last time, dropped off our sweats at gear check, and went into our corral around 7:45.

After the national anthem, we were off, right at 8 am! I said goodbye to Dustin- see you in 4-ish hours! (Dustin ran the full as well and finished in 3:17. His PR is 2:54, but he was still pleased with that time just 5 weeks after running Boston!)
Mile 1: 8:53
Mile 2: 9:09
Mile 3: 9:13
Mile 4: 9:07
Mile 5: 9:12
Mile 6: 8:41
Mile 7: 9:07
Mile 8: 9:05
Mile 9: 9:22
Mile 10: 9:06
Mile 11: 8:56
Mile 12: 9:20 – see you later, half marathoners!
This was a little tough as we essentially passed by the finish line and could hear the announcers and the celebration, but yet the full marathoner runners had to make a turn to head back out of downtown for another 13.1 miles. And of course the back half was even hiller than the first half!

Mile 13: 8:47
Mile 14: 9:04
Mile 15: 8:59
Mile 16: 8:53
Mile 17: 9:18
Mile 18: 9:07
Mile 19: 9:22
Mile 20: 9:22
Mile 21: 9:12
Mile 22: 9:34
Mile 23: 9:16
Mile 24: 9:25
Mile 25: 10:10
The wind was blasting me and I was ready to be done, but I passed the mile 25 clock at 3:49; I knew if just kept running around the same pace, I’d still be under 4 hours, but I wasn’t sure I really cared. I had to decide shortly thereafter whether or not to do the detour across the center of the universe; I decided the sub-4 didn’t matter more than the uniqueness of doing the “shortest ultra” in the country. You had to cross a chip timer twice on the detour to validate that you actually did it and at the turnaround point, I was handed a plastic cup of flat beer. I took a big swig but couldn’t quite finish it all. I bent over to put it down and cramped up- I do not recommend bending over at mile 25.5 mile of a marathon, ha!
Mile 26: 9:21
Final 0.6 (for the “ultra” distance of 26.6 miles): 9:15
Total time: 4:04:19
I found Dustin pretty quickly at the finish- he was happy with his finish time of 3:17 though he did not do the “ultra!”
This was my 3rd marathon in 2021- Sun Valley Idaho (3:52), Fargo, North Dakota (3:42) and now Tulsa, Oklahoma (4:04), so my slowest of the year, but I’m not too caught up on finish times when I’m running this many marathons. I recognize my goals are different than many of my fellow runners, who focus and train hard for 1 or maybe 2 marathons a year; 3 marathons in 5 months is a lot, but my goal is to keep running and stay healthy, which for me does mean I can’t race every 26.2 that I run! I went into Oklahoma hoping to run around 4 hours, which is what I did. It was a little harder than I would have expected for that pace due to the hills and wind, but the effort felt right and I’m happy with how it went.
Favorite parts of the Route 66 marathon:
We ran through some really beautiful neighborhoods with gorgeous houses. The people in the residential areas came out strong and had some really fun cheer stations.
I also highly value DPM’s- dogs per mile! And the DPM at the Route 66 marathon was very high! Two vizslas (one that I saw multiple times), basset hounds, sweet golden retrievers, poofy poodles. I get through 26.2 miles by admiring the pups.
I also go through some of the tough times by positive talking- often out loud- to myself;
“Jessie, you are awesome. You’re doing so great! Easy peasy.” <– for me, self-words of affirmation actually work! The minute any negative thoughts start to creep in, I say positive affirmations to myself until they go away. Try it!
Least favorite parts of the Route 66 marathon:
The reason I needed those positive affirmations is because there were some tough parts of the race, even though I was running it easy. The full marathon essentially ran the entire half marathon course and then passed by the finish line. That was hard, heading back out from downtown knowing you still had to cover the same distance again…
The wind. Man, the wind was tough. Gusts up to 30 mph and sustained wind essentially throughout. It made it challenging. The hills were also pretty consistent throughout. I don’t think Route 66 is a PR course, at least I don’t think it could be for me!
Another downside? No finisher’s medals! Due to supply chain challenges, the medals did not make it to Tulsa in time. I felt so bad for the organization! What a bummer…it was definitely my first 26.2 without a medal! They plan to mail them to all finishers when they can. That also meant no special award for doing the double (5k/marathon) or the “ultra.” Oh well.
(It was so windy, my name came off my shirt pretty early on in the marathon!)

What’s next? Dustin and I are registered to run the Charleston, South Carolina marathon in January, which is 8 weeks away. I’d like to push harder at that one; assuming my training goes okay and I’m healthy, I hope to have a faster time there. It’s a flat and fast course that my coach has run and recommended.
Even though this is my race recap instead of a weekly recap, I’m still linking up with Running on the Fly and Confessions of a Mother Runner as part of their Weekly Rundown. Check it out!
This sounds awesome!!! I totally would have done the “ultra” detour as well. I hope when they mail the medals you get something special for that- it would be fun to display.
Congratulations to you and Dustin (he ran it too, right?) Hope you got some good recovery this week before you start training again for the next one.
He did! Just updated the post to make that clear, he ran the full though he opted out of the “ultra!”
I do think there’s some sort of special medal for doing the ultra. I’ll share a pic if I get one! I’m curious what percentage of runners end up doing it!
Yay! I’m glad you had a good race. I think you have to factor in the detour and the beer when you assess yor finish time. That course does sound touugh. Do organizers know how mentally challening it is to cut through the finish area halfway through? And wind is always brutal.
I hope you did lots of refueling over Thanksgiving and have some recovery time before gearing up for Charleston!
Thank you Coco! Yes the beer and detour were more important than a sub 4 !
Running by the finish line and having to keep going is always a challenge. Congratulation to both of you sounds like a fun race and fun course. Great race recap!
It’s so hard to pass the finish!! Thanks for reading Deb!
Oh dear on the beer and bend issue! But a lovely sounding race and I like that cut-off. Well done!
Yes, the 8 hour cutoff was welcoming to many runners!
I like your attitude about racing–I would totally have gone for the ‘ultra’, just for fun! That’s really what it’s all about. I’ve heard that this is a deceptively tough race from others who have done it. Congrats on a well run race and sticking to your plan! You’ll share that medal with us when you receive it, won’t you?
Thanks Wendy! I tried to go into this marathon with the right mindset, particularly because I had heard it was tougher than one would expect! I’m happy with my choice to do the ultra!
Will definitely share the medal when I receive it!
Yep, looks like you were blessed with the same wind I had five years ago. I thought all the neighborhood “fuel” stands were fun, though I didn’t partake , LOL I’ll be curious to see your medal; they’re usually pretty ornamental! Great job on a tough, hilly course!
Yep! I think the wind is pretty much a given in Oklahoma! It was tough! I didn’t partake in any of the Fireball shots or beers at the party stations, until of course that beer at the ultra turnaround! I figured it wouldn’t do much damage that late in the race!
Congrats on another marathon! And I love the idea of the ultra detour. I find running past the finish line tough when doing a 10K, so I can’t even imagine doing that in a marathon! Great job!
It is definitely hard mentally to pass by the party at the finish and know you have a long way to go!
Love that the race expo was outside! Definitely takes the stress out of being indoors and wearing a mask, etc.
I 100% would have done the ultra detour since I never plan on running an ultra in my life, lol. Congrats on another marathon and checking another state off your list!
Yes, I appreciated that it was outside since there isn’t any mask requirement in Tulsa or Oklahoma as a whole!
Same here- I don’t think I’ll be doing an actual ultra ever, so this was good enough for me!
Great job esp with that wind.
Of course, do the ultra. So unique.
I do hate races where you pass the finish line an continue the race. So hard mentally.
Exactly! Not many opportunities to do the “shortest ultra” ever!
Awwesome! I’m glad you did the center of the universe ultra detour – adding some fun memories to the marathon. Your ability to crank our so many marathons is crazy – 8 weeks back to back to back! Best of luck training for Charleston.
Exactly! It wasn’t too tough of a decision; if I were gunning for a particular time, maybe I wouldn’t have, but I figured it was worth the memories even though at that point in any marathon, we’re all ready to hit that finish line, right
I don’t know how long my body will hold up, but hopefully until I get through all 50! What’s next for you, Eric?
Trying to figure that out, especially as I’m 51 and feeling more than a little bit mortal these days. I think I want to focus this winter and spring on breaking 40:00 in the 10k, which would be an audacious goal for me (I’ve broken 20:00 in a 5k once, so doing it twice in a row seems like a huge stretch but not insane). Maybe try Get in Gear as a goal race… I’m running the Madeline Island half (or full) in May. I’d like to find a favorable marathon course (not a Revel course, but something PR-conducive) with… Read more »
How fun! Madeline Island is so pretty. Revel courses are def not guaranteed PR’s; I think it’s easier to fall down a mountain for a half, but a lot more people struggle to do it for a full. I wouldn’t recommend them, even though I’ve done two.
Honestly Indianapolis seems to be the race for PR’s these days. Flat, good weather, easy logistics
Good luck!
Congrats Jessie! I know that is a TOUGH course and having to pass the finish line en route to the back half is mental torture. Bummer on the absent finisher medal but what can you do. Love that the DPM was high!
FWIW I don’t think the negative split strategy in a marathon is realistic for me either.
Haha, yes, DPM is an important factor in a race review!
I have friends who have negative split marathons, but I NEVER have!
Heck, I’m challenged to bend down and pick something up after a half marathon!! Well done on a solid race. You are liking the Endorphin Pros? I just picked up a few pairs when they got clearanced out before the “2”‘s came out.
I don’t notice a huge difference between the pros and the speeds actually, but I still wear them for races, just in case there is something there, ha! I need to pick up a few clearance pairs too!
I agree – not much difference in the speed/pro! They were on clearance for the same price ($99!) so I figured a get a pair of each just for the heck of it.
$99 is an incredible price for the pros!
Great job, Jessie!d I love that you count DPM’s! So fun!
It’s an important data point for the quality of a marathon
I always find your marathon race recaps so inspiring! I feel like I was right there feeling that wind and climbing those hills! Well done on your 26th state! You’re halfway there already
Thank you so much Shathiso!
So I always said I had no need to do another marathon, but I would be down for this Ultra. How cool!
And every race should market itself via Dogs Per Mile! I’d be so in on that!
Dogs per mile is an important metric!
[…] Hello, hello! Last week, instead of a weekly recap, I shared my race review of the Route 66 Marathon in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Catch up on that post HERE. […]
Dogs per mile <3
Yes, absolutely on the ultra more than a sub 4, way more meorable
Congrats to Dustin on such a great time.
Funny how we all have our own race goals.I bet ten runners have ten different goals.
I love Charleston. Have you been before? So many good eats and am azing/problematic history
Of course! Every race and runner has a different goal, but that’s why we keep coming back!
I have not been to Charleston! I want to do some historical walking tours. Any recommendations on restaurants? Looking forward to it!
[…] when I finished the Route 66 marathon a few weeks ago, and they didn’t have finisher’s medals due to a supply chain issue? […]
[…] November: In November, Dustin and I ran the Route 66 marathon in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Read my full recap HERE. […]
[…] started counting down to the Charleston Marathon several weeks ago; I did the Tulsa marathon 8 weeks before Charleston was meant to be, but I treated Tulsa like a supported long run, running […]
[…] when I finished the Route 66 marathon a few weeks ago, and they didn’t have finisher’s medals due to a supply chain issue? Our medals […]
[…] Hello, hello! Last week, instead of a weekly recap, I shared my race review of the Route 66 Marathon in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Catch up on that post HERE. […]
[…] a full year of marathoning; this is marathon #5 in just 10 months: Idaho (3:52), Fargo (3:42), Tulsa (4:04), and Baton Rouge […]
[…] that this was my 5th marathon in 10 months: Idaho (3:52), Fargo (3:42), Tulsa (4:04), and Baton Rouge (3:45), and now Boston […]
[…] marathon; we worked together though the pandemic and then on to the Idaho marathon, Fargo marathon, Route 66/Tulsa marathon, Baton Rouge marathon, and then Boston. She was also a great support through my mother’s […]