Welcome to another week of recapping my training for the upcoming Fargo Marathon on September 25th! Before I dive in, be sure to check out my post from Tuesday sharing details on my home gym!
On to the recap….
Monday: 7 miles, 9:10 min/mile average. Lovely morning.

Barre class at The Bar Method after work
Tuesday: Ladder workout! 20 minutes easy, then 8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 progressively faster with 2 min recovery jogs in between, 10 min cool-down for 9 miles total, 8:50 min/mile average

That evening, our block participated in National Night Out, with a fun little block party. They even organized an Olympics for the kids.
Wednesday: Mid-week longish easy run, 9.2 miles, 9:05 min/mile average
Bocce ball in the evening. Our team is still undefeated (3 games in) this season!
Thursday: After an exciting night at bocce (and a few beers), I slept in and had planned to take a total rest day. However, Ruth was all kind of bonkers while I was trying to work, so eventually I took her for a short 3 mile jog at lunch, 8:40 min/mile average.
After work, the talented Ami Kochendorfer took some family pics for us (mostly of Matilda- I want to make sure I have lots of great photos of her in her senior years!)
Here’s a sneak peek!

Friday: 7 miles with my friend Vicki before work, nice and easy 9:35 min/mile average
Saturday: The 20 miler that wasn’t.
Now, I’ve run many a 20-miler over my 35 marathon training life. There were times that I would have a 20 miler and it wouldn’t even affect me the rest of the day!
This was not one of those days.
It started off on a bad note, as I woke up to serious thunderstorms. I was supposed to meet 3 friends at 6:30 am, but we all decided it was too dangerous. By 8:15, it was only raining, so I decided to go for it and Christie was still up for meeting. I ran to meet her and did 10.5 miles together. Pretty early on, I felt like I was working way too hard for a 9 min/mile average. I couldn’t regulate my breathing. By our final 3 miles, I knew I couldn’t do 20. I was starting to get light headed and see spots. I don’t get it, as I was well-rested, fueled, hydrated…I guess it must have been the humidity. I just couldn’t push through. I was so glad to have Christie with me to give me a ride home.

I thought about finishing up on the treadmill, but texted my coach and she suggested just doing a second 12 miler Sunday, so cumulative miles over the weekend vs. just one day. That idea sounded a lot more appealing, so I showered and took a lovely nap and prepped myself for yet another long run the next day. That’s how you train for an ultra, right? Yet I’m only training for 26.2!
Sunday: Another stormy morning; I had planned to meet Isabelle and Julie at 7 am, but we pushed it to 7:30 with hopes that it wouldn’t be storming anymore. It did stop, and I was able to complete a second 12 miler, for 24 miles over the weekend. It felt like it! It was still very humid out there…

It was just as tough out there today as it was yesterday- that humidity- whew! It makes Molly Seidel’s performance in Tokyo even more impressive, as it was even more humid and hotter there on Friday during the Olympic marathon.
Isn’t she just so likable? And she’s from Wisconsin! So excited for her. What an amazing performance, and only her third marathon. Go USA!

Summary: 59.5 miles of running, 1 barre class
And that’s a wrap! Not my best week of training, not my worst.
I’m linking up with Running on the Fly and Confessions of a Mother Runner as part of their Weekly Rundown. Check it out!

That is a solid week of miles even if you cut one of your days short. The humidity is just soul crushing sometimes. Can’t wait until fall!
It really is so hard on the body…I was beat after both 12 milers.
Oh the women’s marathon was on Friday? We got no coverage of it here at all on the roundup programme then. I suppose they have to concentrate on things we are in (I know countries do that after being in France for an Olympics and getting to see a lot of handball and fencing on the TV!).
Sorry to read about that difficult 20-miler – you certainly did the right thing cutting it short and it must have been the humidity. Kudos for getting out there the next day and finishing it – wow!
That’s too bad you didn’t get coverage of the marathon, it was so fun to watch!
Still an impressive week, Jessie! What’s even more impressive, though, is getting in that second 12-miler today…that would have been difficult, if not impossible, for many to psych themselves up to even attempt a second go at those miles in the heat/humidity so soon after the first attempt. So, go YOU!!!!
Aww, Kim, you’re too nice! Thank you!
What a great photo of Matilda! She looks so happy!
I liked your coach’s suggestion of a second longish run–really, there’s nothing magical about the 20 mile distance, so the cumulative miles might actually work out better. Especially in these conditions. You got this!!!
Very true! Nothing magical about 20 miles, it’s all mental.
Sounds like you were smart to adjust your long run this weekend. Seeing stars is no joke! LOL on having to take Matilda out for a mid-day run. I need that excuse to get away from work sometimes ….
The humidity really got to me! I just couldn’t hang…
Matilda is retired from running (she’s the senior vizsla), Ruth is the wild puppy!
Sweet Matilda! Such a wonderful pic of her!
This humidity is brutal – smart to call it and split your long run. Still lots of time on your legs!
Your sister is a great photographer!
Sorry you had a tough long run, but it sounds like it worked out well to do another long run the next day! Molly was so amazing this weekend. I have heard her on a few podcasts and she is so down to earth. Great job this week!
Molly is SO inspiring. What a fun event to watch!
I thought you had a great week with your running! Not all of the runs will be great runs. Humidity is not fun and it really sucks everything out of you. I hate it. Sweet Matilda looks so happy in the photo. Can’t wait to see the other pictures.
Thanks Zenaida, you are too kind!
Molly looked so fresh all the way through that blistering hot marathon! Amazing. I adored seeing her family and friends cheering at the watch party. I’m so thrilled for all of them. You were wise to cut that 20 miler short and live to run another day. What a beautiful pic of Matilda! She looks SO happy and content!
Me too! I loved seeing her family. So amazing. Those are the Olympic stories that I love.
Sorry that your run was so tough on Saturday
It’s weird how the runs can feel so hard when our bodies feel good. Great job on your 12 miler today and clocking 24 miles for the weekend!
Totally! I was hydrated, rested…brought along lots of hydration, but my body did not cooperate!
Great idea to break up your 20 miler like that. Did you feel back to normal this morning? Hope so and that yesterday was just a fluke
Today was pretty rough, but I pulled back a little bit on the pace and it helped.
Yes, I think your two 12 milers will serve you well- you won’t miss that 20 mile run. Your legs must have been exhausted at the end of today’s run, and that’s what counts. i know… MOLLY!!!!! I want to go back and see a replay of the entire marathon- I only saw what was on prime time. Seeing her win bronze was my favorite moment of the whole Olympics.
Me too! Loved it. What a memorable moment. Go USA!
Molly’s run was so gritty and inspiring. So excited for her! And Kara was such a great commentator on the distance events. And such a pro – I know she wanted to tear into Galen Rupp on the men’s marathon but she kept it professional and classy.
Kara did so well, I loved listening to her.
Solid week of training even without a complete long run! I’m happy to hear your training is going well. That picture of Matilda is so precious. Great shot!
Thanks Lisa!
It’s ok to have a week of not so stellar training, although it sounds like everything was great. Love that photo of Matilda. She is a beauty.
She really is the sweetest senior lady. We love Matilda!
Isn’t it scary how the heat can affect us? Glad you had an escape hatch and a ride home. Congrats on undefeated bocce!
Thanks Cari! Yes, I feel lucky that Christie was there and able to give me a lift!
Awesome pic of your dog!!
I was lucky to do my 20 miler in October… can’t imagine doing very long runs in the middle of the summer.
Congrats on Bocce.
So amazing about Molly!!!
October is a much better time for 20 milers, ha!
I think your coach is very smart! Sometimes it’s much better to take it easier than push through — I have only gotten light headed a time or two while running, but it’s not worth pushing through — especially since I’ve fainted twice when very dehydrated (thankfully never while running). What I great idea to have the photos with Matilda. I remember we had photos taken with Lola & Chester not too long before Chester passed — it’s still a bittersweet memory, though (and it’s been more than 5 years). We have taken “family” photos (aka selfies) with Lola &… Read more »
Oh my gosh Judy, you have fainted twice! That is so scary. Stay hydrated please!
What does the 8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 stand for- is it you run 8 min hard and then take a 2 min jog, and then you run 7 min hard followed by another 2 min jog? I would love to know!
Great job on the weekend long runs!
Great question! It was 8 minutes hard, 2 minute recovery, then 7 minutes hard, 2 minute recovery, and so on, and I was supposed to get faster as the sets got shorter. Sort of a reverse ladder workout
It’s fun!