I missed a recap last week because I had to back off of fitness due to a minor medical procedure. Nothing serious, don’t worry! I eased back into it this week, which was great timing as Minneapolis is going through a “fool’s spring”- or maybe spring of deception? Either way, the snow is melting and the sun is shining and I’m happy! I think we’re going to hit 60 degrees today (Sunday!)

Here’s how fitness went this week as I built back to it:
Monday: I walked 7.7 miles on the treadmill before work, Discover Strength virtual 1:1 after work. Walking 7 miles takes a lot longer than running 7 miles! 1.5 mile walk with both dogs after work.
Tuesday: First run in over a week! I joined my friends Christie and Julie for 6.2 easy miles, 9:15 min/mile. 1.5 mile walk with just Matilda (Ruth was at doggy daycare.)
Wednesday: I didn’t want to overdo it by running every day after a week off, so I decided to just walk again today: 2 miles on the treadmill before work, a quick mile with the dogs over lunch, 2 more miles with the dogs after work, followed by 2 more miles on the treadmill. 7 miles of walking.
Thursday: Another morning run! 6.2 miles, 9:10 min/mile average. Dodged lots of icy puddles. Wore my new Brooks jacket and tights that all the bloggers seem to have purchased, ha!
(Ruth didn’t run with me, but Dustin snapped this photo as I picked her up to take her to doggy daycare at Pampered Pooch Playground.)

Friday: 5 morning miles with my friend Vicki before work, 9:40 min/mile. Discover Strength virtual 1:1 after work. 2 miles of walking with the dogs.
(Vest is Oiselle– on sale!)

Saturday: 9 mile long run on a sunny spring day! 9:10 min/mile average. 2 miles of walking with the dogs afterwards.
(Spring vest is another from Oiselle!)

Saturday night we ordered pizza from a new-to-us place, Northern Fires Pizza. Yum!

We watched Promising Young Woman; dark & intense, but I liked it.

Sunday: 7.5 miles with Dustin and Ruth, 8:50 min/mile average. I had to really work during this run; I’m out of shape! Hopefully it will come back with a bit more time….
The fun news of the day is that this was Ruth’s longest run so far! She was pulling and excited the whole way; she seems to love spring running, (She wasn’t a fan of winter running!)

Our other vizsla, Matilda, celebrated her 12th birthday! 84 in dogs years. She’s doing really well and generally healthy for a 12-year-old dog. I made her promise me she’s going to live forever.

Summary: 34 miles of running, 2 strength sessions.
Thanks for reading!
I’m linking up with Running on the Fly and Confessions of a Mother Runner Check it out!
I bet it feels great to have some warmer weather! Its still chilly here but the sun has been shining and we had a few warmer afternoons. Now if only the wind would die down! I love those Brooks’ tights and jacket. I feel like they brighten my mood when its cold and dreary out!
The sun makes all the difference! I’m loving the Brooks items too!
I cannot lie, the Brooks jacket keeps calling my name. I don’t “need” it but I keep seeing it everywhere. Welcome back to the run!
Haha, you’re worth it! It’s a nice jacket for spring running.
Easing back in after taking off sounds smart. I don’t think anyone would refer to you as out of shape! Enjoy your warmer temps!
Thanks Deborah – it’s all relative and I was really huffing and puffing this week- eeks!
I’ve never heard of Fool’s Spring – that is so funny and so accurate.
It was cold and windy here last week but we have some warmer weather on tap for next week. I’m just happy that we have more hours of daylight now!
Happy Birthday to Matilda!
Yes, the extra daylight is great! Though my morning light will go away for a bit this weekend after daylights saving time
Nice comeback week for you! I’m sure the good weather helped. I know I’ve been enjoying it. The sunshine has been a real mood lifter!
Happy Birthday to your first baby! 12 is old and she looks pretty spry! I’m sure it’s all those miles she’s run with you over the years.
She is quite healthy for an 84 year old, ha!
You still had a solid week, even with less running. It was 63F for my run this afternoon! I’ll take it
Happy Birthday to your sweet Matilda!
The 60’s feel so good after a long winter!
Matilda looks so regal. <3 No way are you not in shape! You have high expectations of yourself.
Love that spring vest!
I suppose, but these paces felt much harder this week!
I love your Friday tights. So glad your recovery went quickly and you’re back on your feet. Happy Birthday Matilda!
Thanks Cari! They are Sweaty Betty.
It must feel amazing to be running again! Even if it is the Fool’s spring (or better yet, spring of deception… I like that one.) Glad you’re recovered and back at it!
Thanks Jenny!
It’s so hard to not go balls to the wall when we come back from some time off! I really have to keep myself in check with that.
I love your little spring meme. We have that but for Florida summer haha. Summer lasts from May to like mid October here.
It is hard to be smart about it
But I held back and did lots of walking instead this week!
Happy Birthday to Matilda! I wish they did live forever! Foolish or not, I am LOVING the spring-like weather lately and plan to make the most of our 3 days in the 60s this week. I am so overstocked on running gear and yet I want more!
Haha, same! But new running gear can be a good motivator to get out there
You must be loving those warmer temps after some of the cold weather you’ve had to run through this year! Enjoy them while they last – love the weather meme.
Matilda is aging gracefully and she’s a beautiful older lady.
Aww, thanks Debbie! We think Matilda is beautiful too.
Awww Matilda! Our German Shorthaired Pointer Rosemary will turn 12 a week from today! She still can run 3 miles with me if it isn’t too hot and if the trails are clear. (Like you, she can find a patch of ice on the trail and hurt herself!) I wish puppies could live forever!
Wow! That’s so awesome that Rosemary is still doing 3 miles! That’s incredible.
Nice comeback. I love spring running too!
I hope to have some this week!!
Love your Oiselle vest.
Thank you Darlene!
I don’t think anyone would think you’re out of shape
Glad you’re back to running!
Love that photo of Matilda!
Thanks Michelle!
Luma’s only four and I tell her all the time she has to live forever Happy birthday, sweet Matilda! You have to live forever, too
Thanks Erin!
7 miles in one session on the treadmill walking… wow!! that’s a lot. and yes it takes much longer! I’m sure you’ll be back to your normal fit self in not time. I can’t imagine that you are really out of shape!
happy birthday to Mathilda! She is so pretty. I hope she keeps her promise <3
Ha, right? I think walking is great, but just takes a lot more time out of the day!
Love all the vizsla pictures. I want Delilah to live forever too. She will be 12 in August. Luna is one year old today. Eek.
Such cute vest. We just don’t really have a need for them here. It’s either hot, or it’s cold. There is no in between.
Great job this week!
Oh, wow, I didn’t realize Delilah was 12! She looks so sweet. Luna is already a year, wow!
Matilda looks so proud in the photo. Happy Birthday to her! Girl, you are not out of shape! Loving the Oiselle gear.
Yes, the new patterns are lovely! Man, we give too much $$ to Oiselle
Happy birthday, Mathilda! Glad you’re getting this respite from the cold weather and that you are recovering well from your procedure.
Thank you so much Liz!
Haha, that’s the one thing that annoys me about walking, too: it takes so much longer!
But at least you have the dogs to accompany you, that’s so nice!
Btw I love your good quality photos!
Thank you so much Catrina!
If only they could live forever.
Bandit will turn 13 this year, but of course he’s a smaller dog.
That’s great that Ruth enjoyed the long run so much!