The weather wasn’t exactly pleasant this week, but it was a lot more tolerable than it had been! This last cold spell was 13 days in a row with highs below zero. No thank you! I was happy to get outside a little bit this week when the temperatures were at least above zero!
(Before I dive into the recap, be sure to check my “Runner’s Pet Peeves” post!)
Here’s how this week worked out in fitness:
Monday: President’s Day! I had the day off of work. It was also the 3 year anniversary of breaking my leg (3 weeks before the Antarctica Marathon– ugh, the heartache!) I felt like I needed to prove something and run outside, even though it was -14 degrees ACTUAL temp.

So I piled on ALL the layers- including my ski goggles! Dustin and I ran 4 miles together.
4 miles, 9 min/mile average. I felt like I weighed an extra 20 pounds with all the layers!

After the run, we bundled up the pups and walked to Gear Running Store, our neighborhood place, for some new running shoes for Dustin.

Virtual Discover Strength session in the evening.
Tuesday: Another outdoor run! This time was after work, and again with Dustin. And with the extended daylight hours, we actually caught a nice sunset over Lake Harriet. 6.5 miles total at 9 min/mile average.

Wednesday: My friend Julie asked if she could use our treadmill before work, so I got up extra early to squeeze in 4 miles on the treadmill before she came over. Ruth was the treadmill police!

Discover Strength virtual 1:1 after work.
Thursday: Back to morning runs with my two friends! We did an out-and-back on the Midtown Greenway, as it was more cleared of ice/snow than the lakes. There was still a few inches of fresh snow on the trail, so 6 miles at 9 min/mile felt harder than normal!
That night we ordered sushi for a change of pace: I don’t think we’ve done takeout sushi yet during the pandemic, I’m not sure why; I guess I wasn’t sure if it would travel well, but it tasted pretty good.

Friday: 4 mies on the treadmill, about an hour of walking just because.
Saturday: 7 miles on the treadmill.
Saturday night, my sisters and I had our first ‘virtual’ book club; (one sister couldn’t make it, and my mom might join us next time!) We read “Nothing To See Here” by Kevin Wilson. I really enjoyed it! It was a quick read too.

Sunday: Virtual “Save the Chubby Mermaids” 10k with my sister Cresta! I haven’t run with her in ages. But as a doctor, she’s fully vaccinated now! I know that doesn’t mean we can totally let our guard down, but I felt comfortable running with her. We took it nice and easy on the snow with plenty of walk breaks (I mean, who’s judging us, the chunky manatees?)
It was a great opportunity to catch up with her in person.

The weather was so much milder than it had been, at a balmy 20 degrees!
High fives for the manatees.

Look at the cute SWAG!

Summary: 38 miles of running, 2 strength training sessions.
As a fun follow-up to last week’s Legal Cat Zoom, I thought this little comic was funny!

I hope you have a wonderful week!
I’m linking up with Running on the Fly and Confessions of a Mother Runner Check it out!
That swag is killer cute! We were sub-ZERO almost all last week as well. UGH. Friday afternoon, and yesterday, really turned out nice until today’s snow storm (because we really need a little more of the white stuff). Thankfully, we’re almost to March…almost…
Almost! Can’t wait.
Glad the temps are finally above 0! I can’t believe you ran outside in -14. I bet it was tough to run in all those layers!
-14 might have been my coldest run ever!
Oh I love that cartoon, I saw it elsewhere and thought immediately of our little Willa-cat and her quest for world domination (thankfully, her brother Percy is less intimidatingly bright). Good work on that packed snow in all your layers! It’s been milder here this week, thank goodness, although super-windy on Thursday.
Willa and Percy sound very entertaining!
That’s really cute swag!
You will not find me running outside -14. Nope, not happening. I think I’ve gone done to about 9 — and that’s with sun & no wind. You’re a beast! You won’t find Bandit walking when it’s that cold either!
Sounds like you had a really good balance of good runs & fun things this week!
I think -14 actual temp might have been my cold run PR!
The cold, wind, ice and snow just kept coming this week. I was so happy to finally see some sunlight this weekend, even though it’s still cold. You were brave for that run on Monday – those temps were so cold!!
I love the virtual book club idea. I’m going to discuss this with my friends to see if they want to do one too!
I know, the weather was relentless!
Haha, that virtual race is so fun! I loved Nothing to See Here–it was so quirky and random with those kids starting on fire. I love that you and your sisters are doing a book club. My sisters and I talked about it, but we never got anything going.
Glad to see you got outside for some of your runs! Do you wear the googles because the cold bothers your eyes?
Glad you enjoyed Nothing to See Here! Yes very quirky and random.
Another friend said the ski goggles are a great option to keep all skin covered while blocking from the sun. My Goodrs are great but they fog up really easily.
Eek! Your treadmill policeman looks very stern! Sounds like you had a great week. That “chubby mermaid’ race is hilarious- I want that shirt!
Thanks Jenny!
I just got my first outside run in over a month and it was so nice!!! I’m sure that the manatees approve of taking breaks in the 10k.
Ha, yep, the manatees don’t care! All for a good cause
Cannot believe 3 years have passed since your leg incident. You’ve run a long way since then! The manatee race is adorable! We were on Anna Maria Island this weekend and every single thing is manatee this or manatee that. We could not stop laughing at the Manatee Kidney center.
Thank you Marcia!
Oh, Anna Maria Island sounds cute
Chubby mermaids?! How funny and congrats glad you 2 got to run together. can’t believe it’s been 3 years since your leg. I remember that is about the time I started to read your blog. Wow time flies!
Ha, yes, I hadn’t heard of manatees being called that before!
Thirteen days with the temps below zero? Yikes!
It’s hard to believe it’s been three years already since you broke your leg. I think I started following you just after the accident. Glad you were able to get back to your bad-a$$ self with those killer paces. Now, if you could just get some live races to run again!
I’ve not heard manatees called chubby mermaids, but it’s cute. I love the color combo in the medal and shirt.
I know, it was quite a long stretch. Not fun!
Thank you for the supportive words!
That whole “I’m not a cat” thing was so funny! It is entirely too cold up there I couldn’t live somewhere that regularly had sub zero temperatures haha. I think the longer I live in Florida the more wimpy I become because I was seriously having an issue with it being in the 40s for my last run! I’m ready for spring and I never say that!
I’m sure I would struggle with your heat and humidity! Minneapolis is a great city, but yes, the winters are tough for running. Fortunately spring seems to be on its way in!
Gorgeous sunset! And the booties on your dogs — so cute! Glad you got some outdoor runs in this week — and ran safely on that anniversary.
Thanks Coco!
Brr. I’m cold looking at your pics. But I have run in some pretty cold temps esp since I don’t own a treadmill.
The book club zoom is awesome. I just did one with a group of friends. So fun.
Love the cat cartoon. What cute race swag.
I got both vaccines and what a relief.
That was definitely a cold week- but spring is coming to Minneapolis! We have some 50’s in the forecast.
First of all, huge hugs on such an awful anniversary. Obviously, you know I know how it feels. I hope you are able to get to Anarctica one day. This pandemic sure did go ahead and ruin the rest of everything else, huh?
I love that your running store is a walk away. I have to drive 25 minutes or so to mine. Boo.
Again, the girls are just so sweet. And I love the chubby mermaid virtual. I may still register, but since we have some real races going on here, I want to support the local.
Actually, we did go to Antarctica in 2019
I wrote tons of posts about it, but it might have been before you read my blog!
Yes, I love having a running store I can walk to (or jog to I guess!)
Hooray for new shoe day for Dustin! Ski goggles really are pretty legit for freezing temps. And if your neighbors didn’t think you were already crazy dedicated, they would know for sure now
Hah, yeah, my neighbors probably laughed inside the warm cozy houses
outdoor runs WHAT??? awesome! and great that you got to run a virtual with your sister!
Thanks Renee!
Haha, that comic is hilarious!!! Great job this week! Kudos to you for running long in -14 weather. Haha on Ruth being the treadmill police!
Thanks Zenaida!
That’s great that you got to run with your sister!
I cannot even imagine what -14 degrees feels like :0
-14 does not feel great, I can vouch for that!