With no marathons on the horizon and my 300+ mile month behind me, I took a little bit of a step back this week, but still got in some good runs and strength training. The weather started off almost fall-like, but then crept back up to regular August heat/humidity in time for the weekend!
With Fargo’s cancellation, I’m still keeping my eyes out for a small marathon somewhere drivable this year in a state we haven’t run yet on our 50-state quest. Let me know if you hear of one! There’s this one in Idaho that an athlete I coach has run; they seem to have a good plan in place for safety precautions and its a really small marathon. But unfortunately we are going to be in the Boundary Waters camping then, so that doesn’t work.
So for now, I’m just keeping up with running and staying as fit as possible so I’m ready for a race when it does happen!
Monday: My Zoom calls started at 7 am; I had the greatest intentions of running before hand, but…Mondays are hard! I snoozed. I was able to sneak in a quick 4 mile run with Ruth over lunch, 8:45 min/mile average. 1:1 virtual strength training with Discover Strength after work.
I did test out a new Brooks singlet, which is the one Des wore at the Olympic Trials. I thought it was supposed to make me as fast as her. 🙂 Hasn’t happened yet!
Tuesday: 9 miles before work, all easy. The few of us who are meeting before work ran a route we don’t do that frequently, through the sculpture garden and back to uptown.
I swear, we are trying our best to keep a distance while we run and only came together quick for a photo- holding our breath!
Wednesday: First ‘workout’ back after weeks of just easy runs- 4 miles easy, then 4 miles progressing from 9 to 8, 1 mile easy. My progression was 8:56, 8:33, 8:20, 7:44. Pretty good! 9 miles total, 9:05 min/mile average.
Virtual 1:1 with Discover Strength after work.
Thursday: Oh, man, I did not want to get up when my alarm went off. I even texted my friends that I wouldn’t be showing up for the morning run, but a minute after sending the text, I convinced myself to just get up already. They were all surprised when I showed up, ha!
If I hadn’t shown up for the morning run, I wouldn’t have spied this guy on the Cedar Lake trail!
10.25 miles at a 9:20 min/mile pace.
Friday: I slept in a little bit (the joy of working from home!) and then Ruth and I ran 5.15 miles at an 8:40 min/mile pace, still showered and ready for work by 8 am.
Ruth is becoming a speedy little pup- she was pulling me to go faster and faster!
Discover Strength virtual 1:1 strength training over lunch.
Saturday: The humidity was back, just in time for the long run. I met a few friends at 6:30 am by the Mississippi river for a change in scenery.
However, our meeting location was about a 20 minute drive from my house, so I had to get up that much earlier!
I do prefer running out the front door, but our route along the river was quite nice. We looped back to Christie’s car to fill our water bottles; I think we were at mile 8.5 then, and I was so drained from the humidity and ready to stop, but I shuffled through 3.5 more to end with 12 on the day. I really struggled at the end and had the girls run ahead while I took some walk breaks. I just don’t do well in this weather!
But even though it was a struggle, there was a part of me that was sorta glad summer weather wasn’t totally gone already! I mean, I need summer weather to wear all the crops I’ve bought this summer, ha!
After a shower, a few of us met at the Lynhall for a small celebration for our friend Isabelle, who had a small courthouse wedding during the quarantine; the restaurant will only allow tables of 4 people who aren’t from the same household, so we had two tables of 3; this is how we celebrate marriage during a pandemic!
The rest of my Saturday was pretty low-key; all that time in the heat/humidity had taken a lot out of me and I wasn’t feeling too great the rest of the day. After lots of electrolytes and time in the air conditioning, I felt better, but wow…that weather is hard on the body, isn’t it? I think some people do better than others, but I am a heavy sweater and that weather crushes me.
Sunday: I ran 2 miles to meet up with my friend Vicki, we ran 6 together, and then 1 solo for 9 miles on the day, 9:20 min/mile average.
It was so great to catch-up with Vicki over a run- this was only our second time running together during the pandemic, but man, I was struggling again today in the heat. I kept having to take breathers/walk breaks. I only brought my handheld water bottle and it was gone within the first few miles…need to plan ahead better. Even though it wasn’t technically my “long” run, 9 miles is still along time in the heat.
I seriously stepped on the scale after the run and had lost about 4 pounds in water weight/sweat! That is NOT good! I’ll be spending the rest of the day rehydrating…
Summary: 59 miles of running, 3 virtual strength training sessions.
I’m linking up with Running on the Fly and Confessions of a Mother Runner Check it out below:
Oh, that sculpture garden looks so cool — but that trash can photo could be a piece of modern art too. 🙂 I love your new running tops — both have bright colors. Losing 4 lbs of water is crazy!
Haha, yes! That trash can was totally modern art 🙂 It brightened up my morning.
I am a very heavy sweater, that’s for sure! I wonder if I consume too much salt…
That sculpture garden looks really cool. I was supposed to go to a wedding this summer in Minneapolis which is now next summer. It will be fun to run up there. Love the new top looks comfy. Thanks for linking up
Deborah, please let me know when you do come to town next summer! I would love to be a city running tour guide! Depending on where you stay, we could easily loop through the Sculpture Garden!
You totally deserved a step-back week after all of the running that you did in July! I really love that sculpture garden – I’m always amazed at the artistic skills that people have since I have none, lol
I love that bright orange crop top – super cute!
Thanks Kim!
Haha, I’m not artistic at all…but I can appreciate and respect others’ skills!
I really want to know the story behind that inflatable bird, lol!
You still ran a lot of miles this week! Glad to hear you’re feeling good. The heat is back again and it has really sapped my mojo. I think the cooler weather spoiled me this week.
PS I just saw an ad for the Mankato Marathon in October. Idk if that would work for you but it looks like right now it is a live event!
I saw that! I think the full marathon is cancelled, but the half and 10k are happening in person. I am strongly considering it! Mankato isn’t too far from Minneapolis. Thank you for thinking of me!
The heat saps the mojo…for sure!
Haha, right? Who left that bird in the garbage? It was in kind of a random secluded trail too, not close to a beach or anything. What’s his backstory!! Where has he been? Where is he doing?? 🙂
I keep meaning to weight myself before & after but I always forget!
Yes, some people don’t mind the heat and/or humidity. I am not one of those people! This summer has been tough! I wouldn’t really mind some fall-like weather, although then I couldn’t be in my skirts all day, LOL!
You are very speedy. Maybe not Des-speedy, but very speedy all the same!
Aww, thanks Judy! Speed is all relative. We are only competing against ourselves…not Des, thankfully, haha!
I lose a lot of water weight on these humid runs, its crazy.
Look, the “Des” top may not make you as fast as her but…I mean I’m sure it’s doing something. It looks fabulous that’s for sure. I’m doing the virtual thing this fall but oh my goodness it is going to be so good to get on a real race course again. Someday…
Haha, thanks Becket! I will take all the free mojo from Des’s tank as possible!
Looking forward to real race too…someday!
I love that Brooks Des top!!! Although I missed a lot of the cooler weather this week (house-arrest with Max LOL), I was (secretly) a little happy to have summer return on Saturday as well. I usually seem to lose 3-4 pounds of “water” as well on my long runs…and that’s with continued hydration.
Same! I was hydrating, but not enough to counteract all that SWEAT. Intense 🙂
I recognize that sculpture park — is that part of your commute route in “nornal” times? Running along the Mississippi! So cool. Funny how we all love each other’s spots. Hope you’re feeling better and rehydrated
That trash can!
Good eye! Yes, that was part of my route when I would run commute to the office…gees, it’s been forever since I did that! It will be icy again by the time that happens, haha!
I’m wondering what the story behind the bird in the can is!
I feel you on the summer weather. It’s soul sucking for running but I love it otherwise, and in the scheme of things, summer is so fleeting here. Love that crop top on you! Too bad that singlet didn’t have some Desi magic in it!
I am so curious of that inflatable bird’s story 🙂
Summer is SO fleeting that I had to see it go so quickly, even though fall really is phenomenal running weather in the Midwest.
I love that new singlet with the neon yellow! And the inflatable parrot (?) head is too much!
I hold my breath when I pass people or am near people I don’t know. It’s just so weird, but what else can you do?
Exactly! I figure it might possibly help to hold my breath, so why not? Probably not the best when I’m already breathing harder with running, but I don’t want to be “THAT” runner who makes others angry!
I think Des’ secret is bourbon. Maybe try that along with the top?
7 am conference calls are the worst (followed closely by 5:30 pm Friday calls). I know with globalization they are pretty much unavoidable, but every time I get one on my calendar it fills me with angst. At least mine mostly aren’t video calls.
Haha, I like that idea! When that top is out of the wash, it will be my drinking shirt instead 🙂
I agree about the 7 am calls. I usually don’t have a lot of 5:30 pm on a Friday, only because the 7 am is often to accommodate Singapore and they would already be onto their weekend by then! But…way too many 7 am video calls!
I swear, so many of my friends in similar industries or different have zooms all the time but no one turns on their video. Everyone does for mine!
My 5:30 pm calls are thanks to my west coast colleagues getting in a 3:30 (their time) call before they knock off early…
Haha, makes sense!
I am glad you feel better after that run. I also remember one day in particular when the heat and humidity got to me and it took me most of the day to recover.
You lost 4 lbs? Wow! I’ve never thought about weighing myself before and after a run. If I remember I will do it on Saturday. I need to run miles. It will be my longest run since the Atlanta Half Marathon.
The humidity is tough on the bod! I think I’m a heavy sweater, as that is pretty normal for me to fluctuate 3-4 pounds pre and post sweaty run!
It’s amazing how running in the heat affects us! I find myself reminding myself to hydrate, hydrate!
I so love the trash can find! How fun and unusual!
It was an usual little surprise on a morning run!
Awww…I hadn’t heard that Fargo was canceled. I think there will be some small marathons happening this fall. In my state (PA) anything with fewer than 250 people will be OK (at this writing). I hope you find something.
Darn, I’ve already ran a marathon in PA (Steamtown) otherwise I would be heading your way Laurie!
Steamtown was my first marathon! Did you ever run in SD? Leading Ladies in Spearfish is coming up on Aug 23. Women only. Happening in person. Tiny race. One of my all-time favorites.
I ran Brookings, South Dakota with my sister last spring! Bummer…And August 23 is when we are in the Boundary Waters. But keep the suggestions coming please 🙂
I’m not sure about the true speed, but the singlet makes you look super fast!! 🙂 We do have a marathon that will be happening in our town I am told. It’s a 24 hour event and you can run as many miles as you’d like, or do a relay team. You could even try to BQ. I’m still surprised it hasn’t cancelled, but they say it’s still going on. It’s Sept 5th-6th. We’ll see!
Haha, thanks Lisa! As long as I look fast 🙂
What is the name of your town’s marathon? I might look into it!
It’s the Olander Ultra. Did I mention the course is a 1.1 mile loop around a lake? That may excite you, or deter you 🙂 It is a pretty lake though.
I ran it in 2018 on a relay team. Here’s my recap. It was fun!
It’s not good that you’ve been struggling but I love the solidarity of it. I am rubbish in the heat and really struggling this year at home as my office is at the top of the house and now husband is working from home, I can’t migrate downstairs when it’s boiling hot. I get very snarky and irritable but at least runners are good at keeping hydrated, right? I had to ditch my long run on Saturday and get the BUS home as it was just too much, first time on a bus, too, but at least it made me… Read more »
Not many runners AREN’T rubbish in these conditions, ha!
Sorry to hear about your rough run, but it led to an adventure I suppose!