Happy Thanksgiving! I’m here with my weekly recap of marathon training.
After an awesome time at the Indianapolis Marathon (catch up HERE), I enjoyed a short recovery week. But now I’m back at it to prepare for the Atlanta marathon on March 1!
Here’s how training went down:
Monday: First workout since Indy! Nothing too intense.
3 miles easy, 10×45 seconds at 5k effort (around 7 min/mile) with 1:15 recovery jog, 2 mile cool-down, 7 miles total. Did this run as a run commute. Discover Strength strength session after work.
The weather was still pretty mild in the beginning of the week. I even wore shorts on this run, at the end of November at that!
Winter was on its way though…
Tuesday: Easy 5 mile run with Christie before work.
That evening, my sister Erin, her husband, and two kids arrived for the holiday. Most of my family was staying out in Eden Prairie with my sister Cresta, but Erin and her family stayed with us. They actually also have a vizsla, but decided not to bring him on the long drive from the Chicago area. Darn! I would have loved to have 3 vizslas in the house. Ruth and Matilda would have loved it too!

That evening we had dinner at Victor’s 1959 Cafe, an old-school Cuban restaurant in south Minneapolis. My niece and nephew loved it because you could marker all over the walls! (I wrote down a little ad for my coaching business. Gotta spread the word everywhere I can, ha!)

We were in the middle of a winter storm, but my niece and nephew still wanted ice cream! So we stopped by Milkjam Creamery on the way home after dinner.

Wednesday: Unfortunately the snow kept coming and the trails were pretty slippery, so I did my 4 miles on the treadmill in the morning before working from home for most of the day.
Wednesday night, the rest of my family arrived; I have four sisters and 9 nieces/nephews, plus my parents, who all came over for some Red Wagon pizza.
Thursday: More snow overnight meant slippery trails outside, but most of us were still determined to do the Drumstick Dash we had registered for.

My dad, sister Laurie, and her husband did the “Pi” run, or 3.14 mile race. Erin, Emily, her husband Todd, Dustin, and I all did the 10k (two laps of Lake Harriet.)
I was really worried about the footing; on the walk/jog to the start line, it was pretty treacherous. Obviously I’m still scarred from my broken leg in 2018! I thought about taking it really easy, but I ran into my friend Christie at the start and ended up running it with her. Our first mile was quite slow (9:45) because I was still so nervous about slipping. But then we got a bit more comfortable and picked up the pace with each mile down to a pace around 8 min/miles, (which isn’t too different than the pace we ran 26.2 miles at a few weeks ago, ha!) I didn’t care about pace though; it was just about getting outside to be active before the feast and most importantly to me, running without slipping and breaking a leg!

After the run, all the family came back to my house for made-from-scratch cinnamon rolls.

The actual Thanksgiving meal was at my sister Cresta’s house. It was delicious!

Ruth had a fantastic time playing with Lola at Thanksgiving.

She passed out early!

Friday: Erin and I ran 8 miles together in the morning; the trails were still not great. There was a thin layer of snow so we couldn’t tell where the slippery spots were, so we took it very easy (10:30-11 min/miles). It was still so nice to spend the miles catching up with one of my favorite running companions!
Friday evening, 3 of the 5 sisters were able to meet up for dinner at Butcher & the Boar followed by a stop at Lakes & Legends brewery. Tons of fun.

Saturday: Minneapolis received more icy rain and snow and the trails were very slippery, so I opted for the treadmill. 10 easy miles while watching season 3 of the Crown. I love that show; I may have to re-watch the first two seasons now that I’m done with it. I have a nice set up with my treadmill in the basement with a TV right in front on the wall with Hulu, Netflix, HBO GO, etc. It makes the treadmill a lot more tolerable. It’s still running, just running SAFELY!
Sunday: Another treadmill run, 5 easy miles.
Summary: 46 miles of running, 1 strength training session at Discover Strength.
So far, training for Atlanta is already including a lot of treadmill time! Hopefully the snow melts and the trails clear. As tolerable as my set up is, I don’t want to do ALL my miles on the treadmill during this training season!
I’m linking up as usual with Running on the Fly and Confessions of a Mother Runner as part of their Weekly Rundown. Check it out!
That winter storm is now hitting here.
Yup, tomorrow will be on the mill for sure (but not training for anything, so short & sweet).
Ruth & Matilda just look adorable together. We didn’t bring the dogs with us to my parents, just too many people in a small apartment plus the aide is allergic to dogs (although we have brought them once).
Sounds like it was a fun week!
I hope the storm is milder than expected for you! But the treadmill isn’t so bad. It’s still running!
Wow, you guys really got hit with icky weather! It was cold here, and pretty damp last week, but not bad enough to have to stay inside for my runs (thank goodness LOL). I did some treadmill walking, though. I hope this winter is more outdoor-friendly than last year!
I know, I am not happy about the snowy/icy trails right now!
I’m so glad you have the treadmill option!! I haven’t even broken a leg and I feel very nervous when the weather is like that! Still you got some great milage in and it looks like you guys had a great holiday. And you can’t tell AT ALL that y’all are related…
Haha, well, I look a little like some of my sisters, but I think we’re all kinda different!
After that fall you had last year I would be pretty scared to run on snowy roads as well. Looks like you all had a really nice holiday. Thanks for linking up
Yes, I’m definitely much more leery of the snow now!
Looks like such a nice week with your family! I love that you all ran together. Grateful no one fell!
We had cinnamon rolls as a post-race treat from my TT half marathon yesterday. Yum!
It was very nice that so many of us could run together! The cinnamon rolls were delicious post-run!
Your winter storm is heading our way starting tonight through Tuesday. It’s our first of the season so I’m very excited! I hit the treadmill for a short run this week. It’s not my favorite but it’s still running!
Exactly! It’s a necessary part of winter running if you still want to train and be safe!
Your pups are too cute! Love the idea of a Pi run on Thanksgiving. We had 3 pies so …. looks like a great holiday. I think you’re right to be cautious. I’m avoiding deep piles of leaves on sidewalks because they are slippery too. And yes , the same neighbors who don’t shovel don’t rake!
Totally- even leaves are dangerous
Looks like you had a great week filled with workouts and family!
Thanks Kim, it was great!
Nice week of training! Sure the treadmill gets a little tedious at times but I love that it’s always well lit, never icy, never rainy, and warm enough to wear shorts and a tank every time I run on it.
100% agree!
I’m not a treadmill fan. I’ll do almost anything to avoid it. Granted there’s no snow in Florida so that’s not something we have to contend with! We do get some wicked summer storms though, so that’s usually when my treadmill miles happen. Wow on the back to back marathon training! I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to do that…both my marathons made me not want to run for several weeks afterward!
So jealous of your weather!
Ugh, such crappy weather you had. I am glad you still made the best of it. I saw your picture on Instagram with your siblings and you all have the same smile. I love it! I hope I meet you in Atlanta!
Thanks Zenaida! I hope we meet there too!
What a fun Thanksgiving week for you and your family! Somehow we missed most of the nasty weather here in Chicago, other than high winds, lots of wintery mix and a light dusting of snow. Ok that doesn’t sound great either, haha! I’m toying with the idea of heading to Atlanta to spectate since my daughter’s right there at Georgia Tech. We’ll see.
Fun- hope to see you in Atlanta!
I love that your family was all together for Thanksgiving – it sounds like you had so much fun together! I think I’d be a nervous wreck on the snow and ice if I’d broken my leg on it. Stay safe! And I hear you on not wanting to do all of your training on a treadmill. I had to do most of my long runs for my 2010 Boston on the mill. It got old quickly!
We had a blast together!
You are the marathon QUEEN! I get nervous on the ice and I’ve never broken anything – we are set to get more ice this year I think than last (last year I bought yaktrax and nanospikes and we got one day of snow in the whole winter!). I have two marathons planned for next year now – I got a reserve place at the running club’s ballot which means I probably won’t run London as the reserve never has. Also I don’t want anything to happen to either of the two people who got the places, obviously! I was… Read more »
I hope you like the yaktrax and nanospikes!
I am such a winter running baby, it’s definitely winter now here in Michigan, but I still just stay after work and use the treadmill instead of layering up and going outside
My very first half marathon is next May, so I’m going to have to start going outside for these training runs!
Well, treadmill running is still running! You’ll have plenty of time to get outside before May!
Random question about winter running – are you finding the Kahtoola nanospikes much better than yaxtrax? I used to wear yaxtrax for years but the quality seems to be going downhill and they seem to break after only a few months.
I have been happy with the Kahtoola nanospikes- they seem to be holding up really well.
Aww Ruth and Lola. So cute
Glad you were able to have a big family THanksgiving. A Pi run is so creative
Glad you were safe with all the weather. I’ve also already had way more treadmill than I wanted, but we’ll make it. Somehow
We will
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