Six weeks until the Phoenix Marathon. Time is flying by.
This was an easier/cutback week compared to the previous week- still 60 miles total, but the workouts were definitely easier.
Here’s how it all worked out:
Monday: Mile repeats at “tempo” pace. 2 mile warm-up, 4 mile repeats at tempo pace (7:40 min/mile), 2 minute rest in between, 1 mile cool-down, 7.75 miles total. I did this workout at the Calhoun Beach Running Club and Dustin ran it with me. It was chilly this day, but not unbearable (probably 10 degrees above zero.) It was, however, pretty slick with a fresh layer of snow. I got a little nervous during the miles on and was very cautious, but I still managed to stay on pace for most of the mile repeats.
So, this night wasn’t so cold, but it was cold enough for a face mask. And I learned that my mascara is not snow/ice/winter proof. Failed fit for sure!
Tuesday: So frigid in Minneapolis! I had to do both of my runs on the treadmill: 5 miles in the morning, 5 miles in the evening. I watched a lot of Jane the Virgin on my phone while I ran- made it a little more bearable.
Wednesday: I was at work pretty late, but fortunately it was warm enough to run outside (and I SO needed that run; stressful day at work). I ran 8 miles nice and easy pretty late at night (8 pm I think.).
Thursday: 300m hill repeats. I met a friend in the morning for a 2 mile warmup, then 8x300m repeats with a recovery on the jog back down the hill, 2 mile cool-down. 7.5 miles total. Another 4 mile easy in the evening with Matilda the vizsla. 11.5 miles on the day.
Friday: Once again, the forecast for Minneapolis for Saturday/Sunday was unbelievably cold yet Friday was still bearable. I decided to take a few hours of PTO from work in the morning to do my long run then instead of either doing it on the treadmill on Saturday or getting frostbite outside! It was actually pretty awesome as four other running friends also wanted to do their long run Friday as well. Yep, we all took PTO to do our long runs! #runnerproblems. 18 miles total.
Saturday: So glad I didn’t have to run outside this day…Instead, I slept in…on a Saturday! It was grand. Eventually, I headed to the treadmill for 5 easy recovery miles.
Sunday: Rest day from running. Arms & Abs class at [solidcore]. Dustin joined me again (yay!)
I was also excited to see that my name is on the ambassador wall! This means that I have referred 10 people to [solidcore]. Best workout in town- tell them Jessie sent you
Total: 60 miles, 1 strength class
In other news, my running shoe of choice, the Brooks Ravennas just came out with their newest model, the 7’s. Of course, I bought a pair right away! They feel like they have more cushion than the 6’s, but I can’ t tell if that’s just because they are new or because the design has actually changed. The stability is pretty much the same as previous versions.
The new colors are definitely on-trend! I only bought this color-combo so far, but I’m sure I’ll end up with all three. Running two-a-days means you go through running shoes quickly!
That’s about it from me. I hope you had a strong week in Fitness and Fitness Fashion and are staying warm during this cold spell.
Brrrrr looks cold! And a long run sounds wau better than work. Not too much longer til your taper!
Only a runner would say a long run is better than work
Nice work this week! I’ve been working my way through The Wire on my treadmill workouts this month. I’ve been saving that show for attentive viewing – oh so good.
Oh the Wire! Good choice. We watched that one awhile back and really enjoyed it.
What do you do with old or worn out running shoes?? I never know what I should do with mine. If they’re worn out for me, then no one else should use them, but I somehow feel bad about throwing them away.
Katie, there are a lot of places around here where you can donate them. Most of the local running stores take them or just sporting goods stores do too. I have also brought them to races that are collecting them to be donated…I’ll usually keep an old pair for bumming around, but they pile up quickly so I try to donate them fast. I wear a pair for 400-500 miles (depending on the wear) so even though they might not be the best for me for running, they are still generally in good shape for a donation. I hope that… Read more »