Happy National Running Day! I hope you have an opportunity to get out there for a run, no matter how short or long, to celebrate the awesome sport of running!
My top reason for running today is because it makes me feel good about myself. Sounds a little lame, but its the truth. The endorphins, the feeling that I am strong, the pride in I feel in pushing myself- those things make me feel good. Simple as that.
A few weeks ago, I asked you to share YOUR reasons why running is the right fit! In honor of National Running Day, I am sharing some of the great reasons you all provided!
From Erin,
- It lets me connect with myself. I do almost all my runs with no music, just my thoughts.
- It has introduced me to an amazing group of supportive, empowering, strong running friends. These friendships are one of a kind.
- It lets me explore the places I travel in a way I wouldn’t otherwise explore it.
- Trail running. Need I say more?
- I have learned that I can do so much more in running than I ever thought possible. This has given me the confidence to try the impossible in other areas of my life.
From Nathan,
I love that running takes virtually no work to throw on a pair of shoes and head out the door. I love that I can use it as a form of meditation, to think about a problem, to let my mind wander, to explore a new place, or to push myself physically.
From Cresta,
- Nothing beats a long peaceful run to give me the readiness for a busy clinic day
- It allows me to serve as a healthy role model to my three young daughters
- It keeps me happy – it’s all good, I ran today!
- It is amazing bonding time with my sisters and sister-in-law
- Trail running has shown me how truly beautiful the Wisconsin forests can be.
From Laurie,
- It doesn’t require a lot of gear – really just a good pair of shoes.
- I can do it almost anywhere, so perfect for travel.
- It helps me process my thoughts – whether alone or even talking things over with a running partner.
- It has given me the opportunity to bound with my sisters and dad. Growing up in a large family, it has taken running together for me to have private time for conversation. It is amazing what kind of catching up you can do during 13.1 or 26.2 miles!
- It helps me stay healthy, and feel great physically and mentally.
From Dustin,
I like being alone with my thoughts. I like being able to see different parts of my city (or any city) from a different perspective. I like the feeling of accomplishment from a giving a solid effort- that great feeling you get after a run. I like that running makes me feel younger. I like that it gives me a little leeway to eat a bit more of what I want.
From Lindsey,
I love running because of the times while running when I feel totally free, content, centered in the moment, and completely in sync with the world around me. And because it has connected me with so many amazing people and friends!
From Jenna at Just J. Faye:
- To stay fit. This one is probably pretty obvious – running helps keep me fit and healthy. I can burn a lot of calories in a short amount of time. This is great, because I like food. But also, running can help relieve stress, prevent disease, improve cardiovascular health, slow aging, etc., etc. Running just offers so many great things!
- For the challenge. Let’s face it, running can be hard. It’s too hot, it’s too cold, my legs hurt, I’m tired, 9 miles is a long way, it takes too much time, etc. But I do like a good challenge and running definitely gives me that. Training for marathons (or any race, really) is no easy task. It’s a lot of time, dedication, and work, but the payoffs are huge… and it can be pretty fun too.
- For the runners high. I get really good runners high. Even after a run where all I can think about is, “This is the worst. Why am I doing this? I am never signing up for another marathon.” I get sudden amnesia, feel awesome, love running all over again, and start researching different races. Those endorphins are just really, really awesome and make me feel like I can basically do anything. Because I can, right?
- For the friends and the running buddies. I have met so many awesome, wonderful, and inspiring people since I have started running. Many of them will remain friendly faces on the sidewalks, strangers at races, and acquaintances at best, but many of them have turned into great friends and awesome running buddies. It’s because of these people that I wake up for a 5:30am run, sign up for another race, and push myself to become better. They help make running really fun.
- Because I like it. This is the core of it. The reasons listed above are great, but I wouldn’t run if I didn’t like it. I used to hate it actually, but then I realized that I could run and that I did like it and I’ve been hooked ever since. Sure, I don’t enjoy every second of every run, but at the end of the day it’s one of my favorite things to do.
Its not too late to share your reasons, either on social media, a blog, or just here in the comments! I’d love to hear why running is the right fit for you!
I meant to get you my list, but I forgot until it was actually the day…so then I just did my own blog post! Love this post though. There are definitely a lot of reasons to love running!
Thanks so much for sharing your answers on your blog Katie! Better late than never