One week until Grandma’s Marathon! Despite the broken toe, despite the less-than-ideal forecast, I’m still so excited! Any other Grandma’s runners out there? How are you feeling?
Here are some older posts I have written that might help you out this week as we approach Grandma’s Marathon day!
The Magical Taper
Managing Race Morning
Marathon Packing List
Mental Toughness for the Marathon
How to Successfully Maneuver a Support Stop
I hope some of those tips help you out!
The taper is always tough. Let me tell you how this past week of the taper worked out for me:
Monday: Ran with the Calhoun Beach Running Club after work. 2 mile warmup, 1 mile at tempo pace, 1 minute rest, repeat 3 times, 2 mile cool-down. 8.5 miles total. This workout wasn’t supposed to be so hard, but my legs were feeling heavy and my toe was hurting. The taper always messes with your mind though, so I can’t tell if I should be worried or not…
Tuesday: 5.5 miles easy with Matilda in the morning
Wednesday: 6.5 miles at a decent pace with my friend Kelly
Thursday: 5.5 miles with my friends Christie and Sarah in the rain. I took this quick snapshot of Minne the lake monster just chilling in the rain in Lake Calhoun!
Saturday: 10 mile long run at the cabin. The only options you have at the cabin are a hilly route or a hilly route…ha! Dustin and Matilda joined me for the first 6 and then I did 4 more on my own. The cabin is about 30 minutes east of Duluth, so I’m hoping the temps are cooler next weekend than it was this weekend!
Sunday: 3 miles easy with Matilda at the cabin
Total: 39 miles, 1 rest day
So, yes, we spent the weekend at the cabin. I was careful to plan out some healthy meals ahead of time, but I did have a beer or two…I mean, it’s hard not to at the cabin!
The dragonflies, wood ticks, and mosquitoes were all out in full force. After the runs with Matilda, we had to take several ticks off of her. We use Frontline, so the ticks are not supposed to “latch on.” It’s also really easy to spot the ticks on her, since she has such a short coat. But it still makes me a little nervous. I definitely had Dustin check Matilda AND me over every time we came inside!
In addition to all the bugs, the bald eagles were also out in full force.
Much more enjoyable company than the bugs!
We had a nice relaxing time up there. In just 6 days we’ll be heading up that direction again for the marathon! Eeks!
Speaking of the upcoming marathon, my coach has advised me to start loading up on electrolytes this week. He wants me to work my way up to 56 ounces of electrolytes and as much water as I can handle on top of that per day. He suggested nuun primiarily because it doesn’t have any calories or all the added sugar that a lot of other electrolyte drinks have. I generally don’t mind nuun, but I find it much easier to drink plain water…I’m trying my best though to drink a few glasses a day. Of course, I’m still taking my daily Sound Probiotic as well! Hopefully I’ll be hydrated and healthy in 6 days.
Do you have a favorite electrolyte drink? What do you think of nuun?
Hi Jessie, I don’t mind Nuun, but I’ve found that I like it best when I use SUPER cold water and I dissolve it in less water than directed (12 oz vs 16 oz for 1 tablet). Also, I definitely prefer some flavors more than others; fruit punch, grape, and orange are my favorites. Another option to consider: Salt Stick caps (they’re capsules of electrolytes that you swallow with water like a pill). I’ve been experimenting with using them instead of Nuun before and during my runs, and I think they work equally well (i.e. I’ve had no negative effects,… Read more »
Thanks Katie! That’s good advice about nuun tasting better in really cold water with ice. I tried that this morning (with grape too!) and it was much better. Interesting about the salt sticks too…where did you buy them? What are you training for now?
I bought the Salt Stick caps from REI, but they’re sold in numerous online stores. Here’s the link to the REI page for them: (Note that they sell a caffeinated and non-caffeinated variety – the link is to the non-caffeinated one.)
I ran the Minneapolis Marathon a few weeks ago, so I’m only pseudo-training right now. The next race on my calendar is the July 4th Afton Trail run (I’m signed up for the 50k, but we’ll see what happens on race day; the 25k might be more appealing…) Then I need to figure out my fall marathon!
Wow, Katie, congrats on Minneapolis! How did you feel? Did you use the salt sticks on race day??
A 50k!!! I’m so impressed. You must be able to recover pretty quickly! I have read great things about that race though, what a way to ring in the 4th!
Yes, I used the salt sticks on race day. I took 1 about 15 minutes before the race started, and then I took 1 during the race, around mile 11.
I don’t know why, but I feel like I recovered pretty quickly from this marathon. However, despite feeling good, I’ve been trying to not do anything too crazy
so that I don’t injure myself.
Awesome advice! Grandma’s is looking pretty warm, so I think I’m going to try them. Thanks!
Same story here – I do use nuun to rehydrate, but it was tough to find a flavor I liked. I found that Tri-Berry is my favorite, and I also use less water than recommended so that it is not as diluted. Interesting – I didn’t realize that I liked it cold, but now that Katie mentions it, I like it a lot more at work when I have it with ice.
Beyond that, I carry water around with me at work all day so that I am continuously drinking water.
I’m all about toting my huge nalgene into every meeting…
I really like Nuun, but it took me awhile to get used to it. I also like the tri-berry and the lemon lime flavors!
Okay, I guess I have to buy the tri-berry!!
I enjoy most nuun flavors, but just recently realized some have caffeine. Probably a good idea to stay away from those since sleep is such a key this week.
As far as the race… everything about it is looking perfect (the weather will be 100% ideal), so there’s that.
Love the optimism!
I just bought some more Nuun yesterday! I’m going to be chugging it (and lots of water allllll week). I can’t decide if I’m excited or scared about Grandma’s. I know that you are going to kill it!!
What flavors did you get?
EXCITED not scared- it’s going to be fun! That’s why we do this, right?
Haha. Right
I got the tri-berry and the tropical. I’ve also been loading up on coconut water!
You are so ready for Grandma’s! Hope your toe is feeling better, too. Not gonna lie, I’m not a big fan of nuun. It almost tastes fake to me… almost like a bit to it. My favorite electrolyte drink: Osmo Hydration for women in either mango or strawberry (they’re tasty mixed together, too!) as well as their preload (it’s a hyper-hydrator and great before big training days or races; knock on wood, but I’ve never cramped when I’ve taken it!). Happy to answer any questions about it! I’ve been using for three seasons with great results
(full disclosure: they’re… Read more »
Thanks for your input Erin! Do you have samples of Osmo that I could try? Or where could I get a small amount to see if i like it? Your rave review definitely makes me willing to give it a try!
Another cheer for nuun! I’m a HUGE fan of the Cherry Limeade and Kona Cola flavors, both of which have caffeine. However, for me, I think caffeine has become a required vitamin.
If you mix the two together, you have Cherry Cola! I also use less water than recommended, or use two tablets in a 16 oz bottle. For non-caffeinated flavors, I like Fruit Punch and Lemonade. All of which are sold at Mill City Running! I find that it really helps on hot, muggy days. (Full disclosure: I’m a member of Team Nuun. I became a member because… Read more »
Thanks Sara for your opinion! Sounds like I need to make a stop at Mill City Running…I love the patriotic tank that they are carrying right now too. Would be perfect for a 4th of July race.
Good luck this weekend, Jessie! Crossing my fingers for nice weather for you guys.
P.S. I’ve also been eyeing the patriotic tank at Mill City – it may be just the motivation I need to last-minute sign up for a 4th of July race
Thanks Rita!
Let me know if you get the tank…it’s so cute!
Maybe it will be my post-marathon “treat yourself!”