I wore these pants to a sneak preview the other day of “The Fault in Our Stars.” We read this book in my book club, so my friend Kelly joined me at the preview to see how the movie compared to the book. We had no idea that people would start lining up 3 hours in advance!
We grabbed something to eat first, so by the time we made it back to the line, we were a little concerned that we wouldn’t even make it into the movie. The theater held 250 people, and we were numbers 240 and 241- just barely made it!
By the way, I thought the movie was pretty well done. Kelly and I were the only people either not in high school or not a parent of a preteen in the theater, but that’s just fine!
Are you familiar with the term “hangry”- the horrible combination of hungry and angry, i.e. what happens to me when I haven’t eaten in more than two hours? Tell me you know what I’m talking about…You know, where you start to get crabby, and can’t think straight, and you say mean things to people because all you can think of is FOOD!!!!!!!!!! Yes, hangry. If you get hangry like, me, you need this shirt.