By Cool J in Minneapolis
I’m not a nutritionist. It’s true that both LL and I love fitness, fashion, and fitness fashion! But we both struggle sometimes with diet, and we’re not experts by any means. Honestly, Dustin and I don’t eat horribly in our house, but we could do better.
However, part of why we love to run so much is because we also love to eat! And running a lot means we’re hungry a lot. A friend of mine asked if I would post about some recommendations for filling, healthy snacks for runners.
My standbys usually involve peanut butter: a banana with peanut butter, pretzels with peanut butter…maybe peanut butter with peanut butter! But seriously, its tough to find snacks that are filling and still healthy. I asked Dustin to chime in for this post, and all he said was “chocolate milk.” He does love his chocolate milk post-run!
A few other snacks that I suggest/love: baked kale chips, hummus with veggies, Luna bars, or Greek yogurt.
Finding healthy snacks is a definitely a challenge, so I decided to leave it to the experts: I signed up to try “Nature Box”- healthy snacks delivered to your doorstop!
Nature Box is $19.95/month, though I found a deal on facebook to try it out for just $9.95. My first delivery arrived a few days ago:
It was filled with five unique bags of goodies.
1. Banana Bread Granola:
Pretty tasty! I snacked on this dry, but it would be good for breakfast with some almond milk.
2. Lemon Meringue Waffles:
At first, these seemed really light and flavorless, but then they started to grow on me. And one serving is the WHOLE BAG. Eeks. But it didn’t take me long to finish these.
3. Taj Mahal Snack Mix:
This one wasn’t my favorite, but not bad. A pretty standard mix of nuts.
3. Whole Wheat Raspberry Figgy Bars:
These are like Fig Newtons, which I happen to love. I actually liked this snack bag the most. The figgy bars are individually wrapped and great to throw in your gym bag for an easy filler.
5. Italian Bistro Pretzels:
Okay- these were tasty enough but WHEW! They gave you stinky, stinky breath. Dustin ate a few, and I swear I could smell him eating them from upstairs when he was in the kitchen. Altoids necessary with this snack.
Overall, I enjoyed my first NatureBox. It’s all super healthy and unique, though perhaps not exceptionally flavorful. Some items were definitely better than others though. Unfortunately, even if you really liked one of the items, you can’t buy more of it anywhere yet.
As a friend of mine said after her first delivery, “Nature Box is great, but it’s definitely not going to solve all your snacking woes.” I would agree- it’s a fun way to be introduced to different snacks. I think I’ll try it out a few more times, just to see, but I will probably stick to snacks I can easily find at Whole Foods and Trader Joe’s instead.
What are some of your favorite snacks?
What’s the best midday fuel before an evening run?
Have you tried NatureBox? What did you think?
Love it, thanks Jessie! Totally agree with your opinions on Nature Box, and I think I could stand to incorporate more PB into my snacking routine
Haha, thanks for reading Caroline! Abby says peanut butter has a lot of fat and is difficult for a runner to digest on a run…so maybe stay away? Anyways, sorry I’m not more helpful on the snacking front…