By Cool J in Minneapolis
Monday: Ran on treadmill
Tuesday: Ran outside in the AM
Wednesday: Ran outside in the AM, kettlebell class at Balance Fitness (did you miss my recent recap on this class? Check it out HERE
Thursday: Ran in the AM
Friday: COMPLETE rest day! Yay!
Saturday: 13.5 miles @ 35 degrees. Awesome!
Sunday: Treadmill + BODYPUMP
BODYPUMP? That’s new to the weekly recap, isn’t it Jess?
Why, yes it is!
Have you tried BODYPUMP before?
I did today!
Actually, I had tried it once about two years ago (before LL and I started the Right Fits). But it had definitely been awhile! As I mentioned in this post, I have been pretty consistent with my kettlebells class, but as you can see in my weekly recap, I definitely need to do more than just one strength day. I usually try to mix in a yoga sculpt class or a barre class in there, as both of those types of classes involve some strength training. But I’m not on a solid routine for that second strength training day…at least not yet. Maybe BODYPUMP is the right fit?
So when my friend Abby invited me to use one of her guest passes at her YMCA today for a BODYPUMP class, I jumped on the opportunity!
Plus, you know me, I can never say no to a workout with a friend!
(Post-Muddy Buddy with some of my favorite workout friends!}
We both wanted to get some cardio in first, so we hit up the brand-new amazing treadmills at her gym. This particular YMCA had been recently remodeled and everything was so clean and new!
After about 40 minutes on the tread, we headed to the fitness studio for the class. I was glad to have a friend there to explain what equipment I needed ( a step, a barbell with a variety of weights, a yoga mat, and some dumbbells).
The class was taught by two older ladies, with one instructor leading the class while the other offered adjustments and posture tips. Though the instructors were older, they were in amazing shape. If this is what taking BODYPUMP leads to when you’re 50, count me in!
BODYPUMP begins with a warm-up to get your body moving and slowly starting to work out your muscles, using light weights only.
After the warmup, you’ll begin focusing on each of the major muscle groups, via what the BODYPUMP creators call THE REP EFFECT™. THE REP EFFECT™ involves all the important muscles to sculpt your legs, chest, back, shoulders, and abdominals. Focusing on low weight loads and high repetition movements, it’s meant to help you burn fat, gain strength and quickly produce lean body muscle conditioning.
BODYPUMP™ (yes, it’s a trademarked class) has been around for many years. It’s a barbell focused strength class meant to sculpt, tone, and strengthen your entire body, fast.
{Barbell focused class- this is your new best friend in BODYPUMP!}
The routine and the music are standard at any BODYPUMP class, switching every three months. The moves change so your muscles don’t plateau. Every song works a different muscle group, so you get a full body workout.
I have a feeling I will be sore tomorrow, as we worked pretty hard in the class. My arms were a little shaky afterwards, and I could definitely feel it in my butt and thighs. I liked this class, as well as the newly remodeled gym. In fact, I like it so much that I am seriously considering switching from my LA Fitness to the YMCA as soon as I can!
Thanks Abby for the guest pass and for the fun Sunday morning workout!
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